November 6th, 2009 / 12:05 am

So everyone knows about writer’s block. But have you ever been scared to write? Have you ever been scared to read? Like, terrified, for no discernible reason.  How long did it last? Was there a solution for you? What was it?


  1. Merzmensch

      Since it’s really frightening for me to begin a new and empty block, I buy many such blocks and in times my Muse runs amok I begin to write short storys or senseless poems in every block on the first page.

      Next time it’s so nice to open a block, and it isn’t empty. And then I can conventionally write, even if my Muse is watching TV in living room instead of being with me.

  2. Merzmensch

      Since it’s really frightening for me to begin a new and empty block, I buy many such blocks and in times my Muse runs amok I begin to write short storys or senseless poems in every block on the first page.

      Next time it’s so nice to open a block, and it isn’t empty. And then I can conventionally write, even if my Muse is watching TV in living room instead of being with me.

  3. david e

      i’m too tough to get scared. i once got held up at the train station. i pretended to have a heart attack. while the guy dug into my pockets for a wallet, I grabbed his gun and pulled the trigger until it went click.

      i used to get scared reading work that towers over mine. now i appreciate it, unless it’s a writer i like and “know.” then i get pissy and re-read until i don’t like it as much.

  4. david e

      i’m too tough to get scared. i once got held up at the train station. i pretended to have a heart attack. while the guy dug into my pockets for a wallet, I grabbed his gun and pulled the trigger until it went click.

      i used to get scared reading work that towers over mine. now i appreciate it, unless it’s a writer i like and “know.” then i get pissy and re-read until i don’t like it as much.

  5. Charles Dodd White

      I sometimes get scared at the prospect of checking voicemail.

  6. Charles Dodd White

      I sometimes get scared at the prospect of checking voicemail.

  7. davidpeak

      currently on thesis hours. dealing with fear every day.

  8. davidpeak

      currently on thesis hours. dealing with fear every day.

  9. jh

      4+ years, currently.

  10. jh

      4+ years, currently.

  11. Erin

      I find that getting really, REALLY pissed off works wonders in this kind of situation.

  12. Erin

      I find that getting really, REALLY pissed off works wonders in this kind of situation.

  13. Jonny Ross

      Couldn’t read a page around the end of summer. Too much time spent out in the real world maybe. Concentration terminated. Temporarily. That lasted a couple weeks. Then the semester started. Sort of had no choice after that. Ploughed through White Teeth, Mao II and Falling Man, and everything was back on the level. So long real world.

  14. Jonny Ross

      Couldn’t read a page around the end of summer. Too much time spent out in the real world maybe. Concentration terminated. Temporarily. That lasted a couple weeks. Then the semester started. Sort of had no choice after that. Ploughed through White Teeth, Mao II and Falling Man, and everything was back on the level. So long real world.

  15. Michael Schaub

      Thanks, y’all. Maybe going to try Erin’s suggestion.

  16. Michael Schaub

      Thanks, y’all. Maybe going to try Erin’s suggestion.