November 7th, 2009 / 4:03 pm


  1. Amy McDaniel

      i want to snoodle and clip and halch and clinch that historical thesaurus

  2. Amy McDaniel

      i want to snoodle and clip and halch and clinch that historical thesaurus

  3. ce.

      i saw those martian landscapes the other day and kept freaking out thinking i was looking at bacteria slides in a microscope. there’s no feeling of scale when looking at those photos and it just fucks with a person. really incredible stuff.

  4. ce.

      i saw those martian landscapes the other day and kept freaking out thinking i was looking at bacteria slides in a microscope. there’s no feeling of scale when looking at those photos and it just fucks with a person. really incredible stuff.

  5. mimi

      I am halfway through that seriously fascinating ( _and long_ ) blog about Eyes Wide Shut…. and…..along with all the other incredible strands he’s connecting……can’t wait to see if he mentions “Of Woman Born” by Adrienne Rich. Would never have…. without this link……..thank you.

  6. mimi

      I am halfway through that seriously fascinating ( _and long_ ) blog about Eyes Wide Shut…. and…..along with all the other incredible strands he’s connecting……can’t wait to see if he mentions “Of Woman Born” by Adrienne Rich. Would never have…. without this link……..thank you.

  7. alan

      Now I know what I want for Xmas.

  8. alan

      Now I know what I want for Xmas.