February 1st, 2010 / 3:32 pm

(1) I read Maggie Nelson’s Bluets yesterday afternoon. That book is a serious bruiser, and beautiful. “That each blue object could be a kind of burning bush, a secret code meant for a single agent, an X on a map too diffuse ever to be unfolded in entirety but that contains the knowable universe. How could all the shreds of blue garbage bags stuck in brambles, or the bright blue tarps flapping over every shanty and fish stand in the world, be, in essence, the fingerprints of God? I will try to explain this.”

(2) SPD has a few copies of Maldoror and The Complete Works of Comte de Lautremont from Exact Change for almost 50% off. You should really own this book.


  1. David

      Maggie Nelson is totally killer. I haven’t read this but you should grab her The Red Parts if you haven’t read already. Totally amazing. By the way, did that invite email come through?

  2. David

      Maggie Nelson is totally killer. I haven’t read this but you should grab her The Red Parts if you haven’t read already. Totally amazing. By the way, did that invite email come through?

  3. Marco

      Read Maldoror last week. Can still shock in spite of all talk about how desensitized our society is to violence. Definitely recommended. Also the poems, which aren’t really poems. Dared to write, died (very) young, could barely get published. Writers should read this, if for no other reason than it will distract you from all of the plot-only crap that comes out.

  4. Marco

      Read Maldoror last week. Can still shock in spite of all talk about how desensitized our society is to violence. Definitely recommended. Also the poems, which aren’t really poems. Dared to write, died (very) young, could barely get published. Writers should read this, if for no other reason than it will distract you from all of the plot-only crap that comes out.

  5. alan

      I agree on Maldoror but have never been sure about this translation. I prefer the old New Directions edition for readableness. I wonder if anyone feels the same way.

      Nothing against Exact Change in general, they put out a lot of amazing work and very attractively.

  6. alan

      I agree on Maldoror but have never been sure about this translation. I prefer the old New Directions edition for readableness. I wonder if anyone feels the same way.

      Nothing against Exact Change in general, they put out a lot of amazing work and very attractively.