January 25th, 2010 / 10:59 am

This reminded me of Keyhole‘s handwritten issue: Stephen Lloyd Webber is looking for images of writers’ journal pages to launch his new literary magazine, Di Mezzo Il Mare. Send some snapshots if you’re interested.


  1. Merzmensch

      That sounds nice. I hope, foreign languages are acceptable.

  2. Merzmensch

      That sounds nice. I hope, foreign languages are acceptable.

  3. Stephen Lloyd Webber

      Yes, foreign languages are a great and welcome addition to this. . . without a doubt the best idea I’ve ever come up with.

  4. Stephen Lloyd Webber

      Yes, foreign languages are a great and welcome addition to this. . . without a doubt the best idea I’ve ever come up with.

  5. Merzmensch

      Thank you, I’ve send you multilingual capture of my journal.

  6. Merzmensch

      Thank you, I’ve send you multilingual capture of my journal.