April 29th, 2010 / 1:32 pm

“The hallucinatory twilights, the nightmarish birds, the exquisite putrefactions of the mangrove swamps seemed the cherished memories of a past he had not lived.” –Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons.

Write the cherished memories of a past you have not lived in 13 words or less.


  1. stephen

      “The phantasmagoric dusks, the hellish talons, the benevolent machinations of those pungent bayous linger as reverberating echoes of a life I will not live.”
      — Gabe Greg Marcus, “Of Lust and Occasional Romances.”

  2. mimi

      I wasn’t pregnant after all, and we’re still together.

  3. zuysa

      “When I was a child, like you, I remember burning inside to escape.”

  4. stephen

      “The phantasmagoric dusks, the hellish talons, the benevolent machinations of those pungent bayous linger as reverberating echoes of a life I will not live.”
      — Gabe Greg Marcus, “Of Lust and Occasional Romances.”

  5. mimi

      I wasn’t pregnant after all, and we’re still together.