May 13th, 2010 / 5:21 pm


  1. jereme

      that movie was less than a dismal boner. they should be happy people are watching their trite movie.

      sort of want to see the kutcher movie now. big fan.

  2. David

      reality fascism

  3. Gary Tushkiss

      I don’t know how to use my computer. I still buy CD’s and rent movies from Netflix. I saw The Hurt Locker and it was more of the same Don’t Hate The Player/Hate the Game war movie bullshit. The only movie I want to “rip” is Bolero with Bo Derek, the movie I lost my virginity to in a hotel room in London after a particularly moist and flaky apple tart. This was Xmas 84, back when I was sure my dick was going to get bigger. It never did. Which is why I had a stent put in. You have no idea how far an extra half inch can really go.

  4. jereme

      that movie was less than a dismal boner. they should be happy people are watching their trite movie.

      sort of want to see the kutcher movie now. big fan.

  5. David

      reality fascism

  6. Gary Tushkiss

      I don’t know how to use my computer. I still buy CD’s and rent movies from Netflix. I saw The Hurt Locker and it was more of the same Don’t Hate The Player/Hate the Game war movie bullshit. The only movie I want to “rip” is Bolero with Bo Derek, the movie I lost my virginity to in a hotel room in London after a particularly moist and flaky apple tart. This was Xmas 84, back when I was sure my dick was going to get bigger. It never did. Which is why I had a stent put in. You have no idea how far an extra half inch can really go.