June 21st, 2010 / 10:37 am

From the Christian Science Monitor:

International opinion has battered Israel in the aftermath of its commando raid on the flotilla of aid trying to break the Gaza blockade.

I had to read it twice, because I thought there was no way they’d allow so much slant rhyme in an editorial. Should journalists write rap lyrics more often or less rarely?


  1. postitbreakup

      Definitely more often. Great find.

  2. zusya17

      i can’t rap, but this word would be useful/poignant to continue the rhyme: scheherazade

      / israel’s been too long suckin’ on the US’ aid gatorade?

  3. sasha fletcher

      shit yeah slant rhyme.

  4. postitbreakup

      Definitely more often. Great find.

  5. sasha fletcher

      shit yeah slant rhyme.