June 25th, 2010 / 1:54 pm


  1. d

      I’m not familiar with (m)any of these writers. Who is good?

  2. Adam Robinson

      I got: Kyle Minor, Robert Lopez, Daniel Chacon, Jo Neace Krause.

  3. d

      I’m not familiar with (m)any of these writers. Who is good?

  4. Adam Robinson

      I got: Kyle Minor, Robert Lopez, Daniel Chacon, Jo Neace Krause.

  5. Joseph Riippi


      Got Laura Van Der Berg, Kyle Minor, Robert Lopez, Peter Markus

  6. Joseph Riippi


      Got Laura Van Der Berg, Kyle Minor, Robert Lopez, Peter Markus

  7. Richard

      I got LVDB, Kyle Minor, Roy Kesey and Suzanne Burns. All four of these books have been on my to-read list for a while now. Very excited.

  8. Richard

      I got LVDB, Kyle Minor, Roy Kesey and Suzanne Burns. All four of these books have been on my to-read list for a while now. Very excited.