July 1st, 2010 / 10:55 pm


  1. Henry Vauban

      This version of play is well done, but it lacks the spotlight, which is a character in its own right. I guess the camera here functions somewhat like the spotlight, but since we are used to camera perspectives it does not come off as a character in the same way.

  2. Donald

      Oh, wow. I’ve never read this or seen it performed before, so this is completely new to me. It’s incredible.

      I really need to read more Beckett. The only play of his that I’ve read—one of the best I’ve ever read—is Waiting for Godot. I’ve never seen it performed, though. Beckett plays don’t seem to show up in theatres very often. Actually, there was a huge touring production of Godot going around England last year, but was ‘starring’ Sir Ian McKellen, meaning that the tickets sold out before I’d even got wind of it.

  3. Guest

      This version of play is well done, but it lacks the spotlight, which is a character in its own right. I guess the camera here functions somewhat like the spotlight, but since we are used to camera perspectives it does not come off as a character in the same way.

  4. Donald

      Oh, wow. I’ve never read this or seen it performed before, so this is completely new to me. It’s incredible.

      I really need to read more Beckett. The only play of his that I’ve read—one of the best I’ve ever read—is Waiting for Godot. I’ve never seen it performed, though. Beckett plays don’t seem to show up in theatres very often. Actually, there was a huge touring production of Godot going around England last year, but was ‘starring’ Sir Ian McKellen, meaning that the tickets sold out before I’d even got wind of it.

  5. Adam Robinson
  6. Adam Robinson