July 13th, 2010 / 11:27 am

So, New York City, tomorrow evening is this Bastille Day Soiree, hosted by NOON and Gigantic. Reading, you’ve got Josh Cohen (Witz), Diane Williams (It Was Like My Trying to Have a Tender-Hearted Nature), and Rebecca Curtis (Twenty Grand). A dude from !!! will be DJing–those guys have such branchy legs. Custom Witz and Twenty Grand cocktails. Wednesday, 7PM, The Library Bar at Gild Hall. Holy shit! I know. I know. I’ll just see you there. Text me.


  1. jh

      The Philharmonic is also playing Ravel for free today. Everyone should go see that as well.

  2. d

      I saw a documentary about David Lynch last night, and he was obsessed with Bastille Day. His Bastille Day celebration was probably the best part of the film.

  3. jh

      The Philharmonic is also playing Ravel for free today. Everyone should go see that as well.

  4. d

      I saw a documentary about David Lynch last night, and he was obsessed with Bastille Day. His Bastille Day celebration was probably the best part of the film.