September 28th, 2010 / 10:59 am

Elizabeth McCracken is tweeting from her office at UT while SWAT teams lock down the campus after this morning’s shooting.


  1. RyanPard

      Christ. Assault rifle in the library.

  2. lily hoang

      You feeling the effects of this over in Houston? Man, poor UT. 1966 all over again, but this time with only one fatality. This is very sad.

  3. Jack B.

      I was biking onto campus when some folks told me to turn back. I thought maybe they were screwing with me, but that seemed odd. I wasn’t fully awake. But I started working my way west instead of south. Shortly after I heart the military-style roving loudspeakers, and I went back home. I’ve heard constant sirens and helicopters for the last hour or so (I live less than a mile from campus). The helicopters keep shaking my old windows.

      Isn’t there a history of these sort of acts happening in libraries? Sad. There aren’t many institutions as neutral, welcoming, or innocent of power than libraries.

  4. Jack B.

      EDIT: I do NOT “heart” or “<3" (sic?) the military-style roving loudspeakers, though I did appreciate them.

  5. Pemulis

      Damn, Elizabeth McCracken tweets alot…