November 17th, 2010 / 11:56 am

You have to admit it’s pretty funny that you can get the NEW KEYHOLE journal (#10) for $8, or just $5 if “you think literary journals are boring or that reading in general is boring.”


  1. poncho peligroso

      but what if i get excited about how my lack of excitement gets me discounts, does the inverse excitement over being unexcited revoke my discount

      seems like an emotional catch-22, unless you’re a heartless monster who doesn’t care about discounts

  2. poncho martinez

      but what if i get excited about how my lack of excitement gets me discounts, does the inverse excitement over being unexcited revoke my discount

      seems like an emotional catch-22, unless you’re a heartless monster who doesn’t care about discounts

  3. Matt Jasper

      Ordered! (I paid the eight bucks though I appreciate Poncho’s dilemma). Hey Adam–you should meet William Walsh (who has Keyhole affiliations) if you haven’t already. I keep a few of his books permanently on my holy bedside mound.

  4. Adam Robinson

      I keep my WW Keyhole books beside other people’s beds because they borrow them and never give them back. Never met him IRL but I would love to. I have so many questions to give him.

  5. Gabe

      Yes, excitement over discounts just means you’re alive. No shame, go cheap.

  6. Michael Filippone

      This is a good policy.