February 15th, 2012 / 12:52 pm

524.24 Up 14.78(2.90%) : APPLE STOCK ABOVE $500 USD. Is this the source of its poetic rise? The proto-cyber-facism of Italy (1909) is beautiful for investors and industrial designers, should we writers be inspired as well?


  1. mimi


      i would like to read (an imagined) parallel futurist-ic companion essay on the wonders of antibiotics and anesthetics and sterile technique allowing the later future-istic longterm enjoyment of propulsion and speed and nicks and cuts and tumbles into mud and factory sludge, future futuristic freedom from the ravages of flesh-vulnerability in the age of speed  

      apple gives a cleaner fast-ride – all i suffer is a sore butt, think i need a new chair, or the propulsion to get out of it

  2. deadgod

      “Facism”? When you aestheticize politics, you get an aquiline profile.

  3. Anonymous

      they were coming out of dreary times. luckily now we have multimedia entertainment to stave off the allure of any political movements that are too exciting.

      “The 20th century invented fascism. Who knows what the 21st century will invent?”

  4. Anonymous

       “future futuristic freedom from the ravages of flesh-vulnerability in the age of speed”

  5. Anonymous

      Drunk guy here.

      Anyone wants to play some tunes on the turntable.fm site respond to this! i am in for the night, not reading, bored.

  6. tyler lebens

      Yes, I think we should.