flossing has been a new years resolution of mine for like five years now. i usually floss for a day or two, my gums get all swollen and bloody, and then i stop. i still would really like to floss. and stop biting my nails. and “work out” more consistently. and practice my spanish, and uhh eat more vegetables. UGH
every other month.
when i have toothache
Never! #toothless by thirty
After every goddamn meal.
seems like everyone is lying
flossing has been a new years resolution of mine for like five years now. i usually floss for a day or two, my gums get all swollen and bloody, and then i stop. i still would really like to floss. and stop biting my nails. and “work out” more consistently. and practice my spanish, and uhh eat more vegetables. UGH
every evening except on weekend nights when i am drunk and see the endeavor as either undesirable or fruitless
More often than I buy floss.
Oh, I don’t know.
i don’t lie about wittgenstein, dawg
Floss what–my last tooth?
i floss every night before i go to bed
then i next-level-shit Butler G-U-M Gum Stimulator stimulate my gums
and THEN i brush
unlike SOME people around here
After every meal unless drinking. Immediately after sleeping after drinking.
I floss when someone tells me I gots stuff in my teeth. And yo, who won those books from that post like 2 weeks ago? I wanted those.
I brush my tinkle-merkin, little missy
har har har
Twice every day.