May 29th, 2009 / 11:14 pm

Walden: The Video Game is going to exist. I seriously hope they don’t ruin the gun battles.


  1. Matthew Simmons

      Remember the text adventure?

      You are in a cabin in the woods.


      How do you want me to live?

      >Live deliberately

      I can’t live that way.

  2. Matthew Simmons

      Remember the text adventure?

      You are in a cabin in the woods.


      How do you want me to live?

      >Live deliberately

      I can’t live that way.

  3. Matthew Simmons

      The tax man has come to your door. How much tax do you want to pay (1 – 100)?

      >Pay 0 tax

      I can’t pay that amount. How much tax tax do you want to pay (1 – 100)?

      >Pay 0 tax

      I can’t pay that amount. How much tax do you want to pay (1 – 100)?

  4. Matthew Simmons

      The tax man has come to your door. How much tax do you want to pay (1 – 100)?

      >Pay 0 tax

      I can’t pay that amount. How much tax tax do you want to pay (1 – 100)?

      >Pay 0 tax

      I can’t pay that amount. How much tax do you want to pay (1 – 100)?

  5. zachary german

      @Matthew Simmons,


  6. zachary german

      @Matthew Simmons,


  7. Ross Brighton

      You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
      There is a small pond here.


      If you live deliberately you are likeley to be eaten by a grue.