Sunday Service

Melissa Broder Poem


Everyboy comes to me at a church potluck
perfumed with frankincense and lasagna.

He believes I am a gentle bird girl
in my tulip sweater and raincoat.

I am not so gentle, but I act as if
and what I act as if I might become.

He says: Let’s be still and know refreshments.
Tater tot casserole is wholesome fare.
Let’s get soft, let’s get really, really soft.

I do not say: I am frightened of growing plump;
something about the eye of a needle
and sidling right up close to godliness.

Instead I dig in,
stuff myself on homemade rolls,
tamale pie and creamed chipped beef with noodles.

I eat until my bird bones evanesce.
I eat until I bust from my garments.

I become the burping circus lady
with meaty ham hocks and a sow’s neck.

Everyboy says: Let’s get soft, even softer.
We vibrate at the frequency of angel cake.

Our throats fill with ice cream glossolalia.
The eye of the needle grows wider.
There is room at the organ bench.

I play.

Melissa Broder is the author of the poetry collection WHEN YOU SAY ONE THING BUT MEAN YOUR MOTHER (Ampersand Books).

September 26th, 2010 / 8:15 pm
Sunday Service


  1. mike z

      Sweet poetry action.

  2. xtx


  3. DW Lichtenberg

      Let’s be still and know refreshments. This is the best pickup line I’ve heard in ages.

  4. REG

      Everboy and foodfeelings, YES. More please.

  5. Roxane

      Melissa you always remind me why I never give up on poetry. I really enjoyed this poem and the line “Our throats fill with ice cream glossolalia”… Indeed.

  6. Dixneuf

      is this a Duggar recipe influenced poem? Broder, as always is fantastic.

  7. Davakrause

      I now must find a recipe for creamed chipped beef with noodles. You make me hungry for food and poetry!

  8. Joseph Riippi

      I dig, Broder, I dig. That penultimate stanza brought it home in a real good way.

      Gut bomb of a poem.

  9. mike z

      Sweet poetry action.

  10. Daniel Bailey

      i’m posting this to facebook.

  11. Daniel Bailey

      also, why can’t i like my own posts on this disqus thing?

  12. Dawn.


  13. Todd Colby

      I like this poem.

  14. Guest

      i love that you can almost smell the church basement reading this. and it does indeed smell like creamed chipped beef with noodles.

  15. Julia Fleischaker

      My bird bones just evanesced so much I think I split my pants. Love it!

  16. Erin Galloway

      You rock and you’ve made me hungry!

  17. lizzy

      i love playing

  18. Ed Wilson

      a truly beautiful piece. i loved melissa’s book and this poem shows an exciting new direction.

  19. Shoshie

      tommy and girl and vanilla a la 2010. Congrats.

  20. Melissa Petro

      “I am not so gentle, but I act as if
      and what I act as if I might become.”

      Mind if I use that?
      I love you, Sister Broder.

  21. Melissa Broder

      Thank you for the love rays.

  22. PANK Blog / And Then There Were Words Which Begat Words and Unto Them Were Born More Words

      […] At HTMLGIANT, a poem from Melissa Broder,entitled Supper. […]

  23. Melissa Broder Online » If You’re Not As Interested In Me As I Am Then This Blog Is Really Boring

      […] have a new poem up at HTMLGiant involving ice cream glossolalia. (Thanks Gene Morgan) (And happy birthday […]

  24. WHEN YOU SAY ONE THING BUT MEAN YOUR MOTHER, by melissa broder | Ampersand Books

      […] S. F. Examiner BOMB Review DecomP Review Poem: HTMLGiant […]

  25. And Then There Were Words That Begat Words And Unto Them Were Born More Words | thepankreview's Blog

      […] At HTMLGIANT, a poem from Melissa Broder,entitledSupper. […]