Sunday Service

Sunday Zen

It is Sunday.

The water in the river is cold.

Here are some images from and words about the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum:

Every surface has a face
if we explore a surface
as a human.

Here we can see a shape
like a hallway.

There was a bubble
in volcanic stone.
It ripples still.

Each surface explores
another notion.

The divide
gently bisects.

I walked into the garden
to feel the air. It was
Now it’s Sunday.

A sculpture under a
tarp under a tree.

A wreath around the
surface. A separate surface.
As if in repose.

Everything perceived
through perspective.

Isamu Noguchi (野口 勇, November 17, 1904 – December 30, 1988) was a Japanese-American sculptor, landscape architect, and furniture designer. His museum is located in Queens, NY.

January 8th, 2012 / 5:31 pm
Sunday Service


  1. Ester


  2. Cremistress

      This makes me want to go sit at The Boston Market and read the dictionary.

  3. M. Kitchell

      i want a bedroom, and then i want all of these in my bedroom

  4. Jonathan Safran Foer

      Nicole and I really enjoyed this, thanks for posting

  5. Dustin

      Love visiting this museum.

  6. Shannon

      The piece at the bottom makes me really happy. I ride by the home of either a sculptor or someone who collects sculptures similar to these and they are so beautiful.