
e-books all calorie suck

E-book assassin, etc. My first response was falling sky, or I am sick of people saying the e-book will garrote the book book. But then I read the article and found several points for possible discussion here:

1.      Was the indie bookstore having troubles anyway? The e-book might be gaseous, but maybe the canary died from starvation?

2.      One complaint is about “browsing.” You’ll do your browsing online, then just drop by the brick/mortar store and get the book you already know you want. You won’t browse at the store. To me, if you enter the store, all is good. Who cares why/how you entered?

3.      But people sell their books online now, so don’t enter a used store to sell, and therefore another opportunity missed to buy.

4.      Google ebooks allows indie bookstores to join/not beat the future.

5.      All the ebooks in the world aren’t going to replace the “space” of a bookstore, readings, signings, coffee, conversation….

Random & Technology / 7 Comments
December 13th, 2010 / 11:59 am

An overview of the Nook, a new e-reader from Barnes & Noble; oh, and there’s this:

And hey, great news for book cover designers… your craft will be preserved in the space of a postage stamp.

UPDATE: It’s here, and it features some good stuff: ‘Share favorite eBooks with your friends, family, or book club. Most eBooks can be lent for up to 14 days at a time. Just choose the book you want to share, then send it to your friend’s reader, cell phone, or computer.’  and  ‘Visit the store, turn on your nook, and see what pops up on your screen. It’s as simple as that. You will get exclusive content, special discounts and more. And soon, you will be able to read entire eBooks for free at your local Barnes & Noble.

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