New from Fence Books
Exciting news from Fence:
1. Fence Books has four new titles either out or imminently out. Please visit our new titles page to see them, read a little of them, buy them. If you want to buy all of them at once, you will get a great deal on that ($13 off plus free shipping in the US).
2. HOLIDAY DEALS. Really great options for pleasing your friends with gifts. Giant discounts on: Brandon Downing’s imminent Lake Antiquity; the accurately titled anthology Not for Mothers Only: Contemporary Poems on Child-Getting and Child-Rearing; the shrinkwrapped A Best of Fence: The First Nine Years, Vols 1 & 2; and the aforementioned ALL FOUR NEW FENCE BOOKS BOOKS.
3. Fence Books is delighted to announce the winner of the 2010 Fence Modern Poets Series, selected by Joyelle McSweeney from an excellent bunch of finalists: a self-titled manuscript by Nick Demske, to be published in the fall of 2010.
Nick Demske lives in Racine, Wisconsin, and works there at the Racine Public Library. He curates the BONK! performance series in Racine and is the editor of the online forum boo: a journal of terrific things. Visit Nick at
The finalists were:
Aquarium, Jon Woodward of Brighton, MA
Blutopic, Shane Book of San Francisco, CA
Cryptography for R. Lansberry, Robin Clarke of Pitttsburgh, PA
From Old Notebooks, Evan Lavender-Smith of Las Cruces, NM
I Saw A Theft Occur, Will Smiley of Cedar Rapids, IA
I Shall Love Death As Well, Brandon Shimoda of Seattle, WA
Negro League Baseball, Harmony Holiday of New York, NY
Palm Trees, Nick Twemlow of Iowa City, IA
Puberty, Michael Thomas Taren of Hanover, PA
Symphony No. 2, Emily Gropp of Pittsburgh, PA
The Accordion Repertoire, Franklin Bruno of New York, NY
The getting rid of that which cannot be done without, Anthony Madrid of Chicago, IL
Whale in the Woods, Blueberry Elizabeth Morningsnow of Iowa City, IA