“Castle” ABC TV Series! It’s about WRITERS and MURDER!


I love the television show LOST! (no, really! the show’s title is actually in all-caps!  this isn’t part of my MEME or my writerly VOICE which you are trying to STIFLE!  what is this an undergraduate poetry workshop?)  If you haven’t heard of LOST it’s about people who are LOST on an island!  They also might be LOST in their own LIVES, but I’m not sure!

Anyway, during LOST they’ve been showing promos for a new TV show called CASTLE which stars the guy from the last season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Sarah Michelle Gellar STAND UP!) and I am sooooooooooo excited for it because another one of my favorite TV shows is HOUSE which is also a show where the main character is also named after a shelter or building that is a dwelling or place for habitation by human beings and is ALSO the name of the show!  Wow!  I feel at HOME already!  LOL (did you get that joke?)

Get this!  RICHARD CASTLE is a WRITER who helps solve MURDERS!  Whaaaaaat?  What do writers know about MURDER?  (except for street poet SHYNE, FREE SHYNE Y’ALL SKIDDLY WHOAAAA)


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March 3rd, 2009 / 7:09 pm