michael stewart

13 ways of looking at Michael Stewart: An Interview

Back in 2001, I took my very first fiction workshop. It was with Catherine Kasper. I’d never written a short story before. I was a junior. My first story submission was terrible, truly terrible.

Despite my really shitty story, Michael Stewart was nice to me.

I thought he was the best writer in class. (And he was.) And there were some spectacular writers in class.

Over the past decade, Michael and I have consumed a lot of coffee and breakfast tacos together. We have played many chess games and go games. We have seen each other’s heartbreaks and victories.

Michael Stewart is a charming man and a charming writer. His first book, The Hieroglpyhics, is out now (and can be purchased here) with Mud Luscious Press.


Author Spotlight / 9 Comments
March 14th, 2011 / 10:27 am