north georgia gazette

Green Lantern Press

Green Lantern Press is simply making some of the most beautiful, singular limited run book objects of anybody in the pack. If you haven’t browsed their catalog recently, it’s overflowing: such a wide range of things to dig in, from new translation of Rimbaud, to art space phone books, to indexes and collection, so on.

In particular, I’ve been trying to write a review of THE NORTH GEORGIA GAZETTE AND WINTER CHRONICLE by William Edward Parry and the crews of the Hecla and Griper for about six months now, (“An annotated transcription of the 1821 newspaper, The North Georgia Gazette. The newspaper, written and published aboard an English ship trapped in the Arctic, was an attempt by the captain to lessen the boredom of a long, isolated winter.”) and every time I pick up the book to dig further, I get so consumed in a single page that reading the book as a whole could conceivably go on forever. More on this hopefully sometime soon, but in the meantime: revel in some of this.

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March 5th, 2010 / 4:24 pm