Pedro Ponce

Burnside Review Fiction Chapbook Contest

I just received the latest winning chapbook from Burnside Review. It is called Superstitions of Apartment Life by Pedro Ponce. The chapbook appears to be a glossary of sorts documenting different things related to apartments. It has been ‘compiled from original sources.’ I’m now in the ‘D’ section. I am enjoying it so far.

Here is an entry from the ‘A’ section.

Augury – Every child is an augur, scrying cracked ceilings from sickbeds, reading figures that emerge backlit from drawn curtains. Language and habit have yet to spackle over the strangeness within carpet tufts, the intricate stitching of shoes. As apartment dwellers, we relive our apprenticeship, pausing at constellated plaster and the runes etched in cobwebs overhead.

Sid Miller is now running the next fiction chapbook contest and is accepting submissions until December 31st. $200 and 25 copies to the winner. Charles D’Ambrosio is judging.

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October 8th, 2008 / 2:24 pm