Rock Star Poet

Nice Hat

profile picture without evidence of flash that you took this yourself

profile picture without evidence of flash that you took this yourself

and I saw the best minds of my generation
living in lofts
thinking they were the best minds of their generation
while the world hacked up tax breaks and jet fighters

-Death Lasts
by Joshua Beckman

Joshua Beckman has a wikipedia page.
Joshua Beckman has a page on

Joshua Beckman is a great mind and a great poet. As early as 2004 you could google his name and ‘rock star poet’ would surface as a result.

Over the past ten years he’s published six books of poetry. His seventh, “Take It” is due sometime this year from Wave Books.

The first thing I read by him was his tiny, tiny book (amazon cites it at 6.1 x 4 x 0.5 inches and 3.8 ounces, I would say it is the size of about half a sandwich) “Your Time Has Come” put out by Verse Press.

This holiday season I Secret Santa’d myself and picked up “Shake” and “Something I Expected to Be Different.”

Start your New Year right and pledge to read a poem a day until you’ve mowed down his entire collection of works.

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January 16th, 2009 / 7:10 pm