A Few Tidbits on That Whole Over/Under 40 Fancy Writer Genius Thing
I really enjoy The Awl, and today there’s an interesting article about why online commenters seem to revel in meanness.
New Excellent Crawl
“He’d say, ‘If it is familiar, it has not eaten you yet.’ ” -on cognitive fluency and disfluency.
GW: My only interest in photographing is photography. That’s really the answer. -an interview with photographer Garry Winogrand.
Yes yes yes! Bookforum editor and The Awl contributor Chris Lehmann has signed a book deal with Or Books–he’s expanding Rich People Things, a series originally for The Awl. Details here. Congratulations, Chris!
Weak human + machine + better process was superior to a strong computer alone and, more remarkably, superior to a strong human + machine + inferior process. -Garry Kasparov on chess and computers.