Cover to Cover: The Atlantic

Volcanos in the Atlantic (those red dots)- sort of a metaphor for the exciting short stories in The Atlantic!
I fucking hate the Atlantic because of articles like this one linked here and the many other similiar, hyperbolic crap they publish with far too great regularity. I truly think they try to find the most mentally disturbed, prozacked, never-properly -fucked-in-their-entire-liives journalists they can and ask them to write the most insensible social commentary they can muster. Indeed, I rarely read them anymore because it’s bad for my gallbladder. But, I bought their fiction issue that comes out yearly. And I read all of the fiction in it. Here’s a brief discussion of the first four of seven stories: READ MORE >
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August 3rd, 2009 / 6:22 pm
August 3rd, 2009 / 6:22 pm