April 18th, 2010 / 8:35 pm
Snippets & Technology

Immerse yourself in the energetic, innovative and potentially illegal world of mash-up media with RiP: A remix manifesto. Let web activist Brett Gaylor and musician Greg Gillis, better known as Girl Talk, serve as your digital tour guides on a probing investigation into how culture builds upon culture in the information age.

Watch the entire documentary over at Unsaid!


  1. anon

      grl tlk s wck

  2. anon

      grl tlk s wck

  3. zusya

      Immerse yourself in the energetic, innovative and potentially illegal world of mash-up media with RiP: A remix manifesto. Let web activist Brett Gaylor and musician Greg Gillis, better known as Girl Talk, serve as your digital tour guides on a probing investigation into how culture builds upon culture in the information age.

      -Watch the entire documentary over at Unsaid!

  4. Ridge

      -Watch tour guides in the illegal world tour activist Brett documentary at Unsaid! Gaylor and potentially the entire manifesto known as Girl Talk, serve as your remix RiP: Let web activist Immerse yourself: A better known Girl Talk, over in the information media with energetic, innovative mash-up into how to Immerse yourself in the energetic, innovative mash-up on a potentially illegal world of media with Gillis Girl Talk, your digital musician Greg the entire culture builds illegal world information age.

  5. Ridge

      -Watch tour guides in the illegal world tour activist Brett documentary at Unsaid! Gaylor and potentially the entire manifesto known as Girl Talk, serve as your remix RiP: Let web activist Immerse yourself: A better known Girl Talk, over in the information media with energetic, innovative mash-up into how to Immerse yourself in the energetic, innovative mash-up on a potentially illegal world of media with Gillis Girl Talk, your digital musician Greg the entire culture builds illegal world information age.

  6. Caketrain

      Immerse your tourgetic potentialegal Girlself in an enerative mashumentary of cultical musation and digifesto.

      This looks cool, was wondering what UNSAID were doing with this part of the site. Will check out tonight.

  7. Caketrain

      Immerse your tourgetic potentialegal Girlself in an enerative mashumentary of cultical musation and digifesto.

      This looks cool, was wondering what UNSAID were doing with this part of the site. Will check out tonight.

  8. anon

      girl talk is wack

  9. anon

      girl talk is wack

  10. mimi

      potential energetic digital information age media culture world tour!

      innovative Girl-guides.

      Unsaid Talk.

      innovative Girl-guide Unsaid media world Girl Talk.

  11. mimi

      potential energetic digital information age media culture world tour!

      innovative Girl-guides.

      Unsaid Talk.

      innovative Girl-guide Unsaid media world Girl Talk.

  12. Ken Baumann

      innovative Girl-guides.

  13. Ken Baumann

      innovative Girl-guides.

  14. Ken Baumann

      Web yourself as your probing culture.

  15. Ken Baumann

      Web yourself as your probing culture.

  16. Ken Baumann

      Let illegal media build upon your culture.

  17. Ken Baumann

      Let illegal media build upon your culture.

  18. keith n b

      your culture has revealed that you have streptococcus

  19. keith n b

      your culture has revealed that you have streptococcus

  20. zusya

      i find it alarmingly funny the notion that a “remix culture” is in any sense a new phenomenon. “culture building upon culture” has been happening since cavepeople were copying drawings from one another, to say nothing of the ginormous example of how shakespeare’s plays were written. mixed media. pastiche collagework. plunderphonics. any period of documented history is rife with examples.







  23. zusya

      W3RD UP.


  24. zusya

      late addition:

      RiP energetic, innovative and potentially illegal information age.

  25. reynard

      i watched this a while back and found it immensely disappointing. it was sort of like the time i checked out a documentary on street art called bomb it! and thought i was going to drop a bomb listening to lame attempts to legitimize bad graffiti as something more than peeing on buildings with spray paint. some good points are made, of course. but on the whole, it’s full of holes.

      i fully agree with zusya and the anon who said girl talk is wack. girl talk is a hack. he’s more devolution than evolution. he can do whatever he wants, and certainly i agree with him about medical patent law (although, making that juxtaposition was more than a little absurd and i don’t think i should have to explain why), but hearing burroughs speaking over that assclamp getting pumped for his macbook mushmash sesh made me want to go pee all over a building. his computer is not an instrument. an instrument is an instrument. a time lag accumulator is not an instrument, nor is a synclavier system; riley and zappa knew that (but they weren’t mentioned of course because they didn’t make pop music). i’m glad they mentioned negativland because that’s a whole nother story and a great example of the fact that not everyone who does this sort of thing is an assclamp – paper rad is another example – there are a few non-clamps in the sea of clamptronics; a critique is not a crockpot.

      lessig’s remixer’s manifesto:

      1. culture always builds on the past
      2. the past always tries to control the future
      3. our future is becoming less free
      4. to build free societies you must limit the control of the past

      sounds like something marx might have scribbled on a vodka-soaked bar napkin. i like lessig in a general way, but the ‘always this, always that, always always always’ is just so no, no, no no no. assumptions are like assholes, they make a monkey out of a molehill. i don’t give a damn if people want to remix and remash pop and listen to it – by all means they should be able to – but i sincerely hope that literature in the 21st century is not made using these sorts of vapid constructions set upon all-too familiar forms like hijacked railroad cars on the same old tracks. there is a subtle but important differance between invocation and evocation; one tells while the other shows – or, in this context, one rips while the other rolls. walt disney was a genius – it’s just too bad his kids are a bunch of genitals.

      it’s true, of course, there is a lot of hypocrisy in the system. for instance, there are libraries and bookstores – it’s truly baffling. and the potential to do something interesting with sampling is certainly there; it just doesn’t happen very often. but while i’m all for the message (more or less), in this case the medium is not the message – the message is the message. and if this is the message, the message is full of holes. anyway, i need a massage.

  26. reynard

      i watched this a while back and found it immensely disappointing. it was sort of like the time i checked out a documentary on street art called bomb it! and thought i was going to drop a bomb listening to lame attempts to legitimize bad graffiti as something more than peeing on buildings with spray paint. some good points are made, of course. but on the whole, it’s full of holes.

      i fully agree with zusya and the anon who said girl talk is wack. girl talk is a hack. he’s more devolution than evolution. he can do whatever he wants, and certainly i agree with him about medical patent law (although, making that juxtaposition was more than a little absurd and i don’t think i should have to explain why), but hearing burroughs speaking over that assclamp getting pumped for his macbook mushmash sesh made me want to go pee all over a building. his computer is not an instrument. an instrument is an instrument. a time lag accumulator is not an instrument, nor is a synclavier system; riley and zappa knew that (but they weren’t mentioned of course because they didn’t make pop music). i’m glad they mentioned negativland because that’s a whole nother story and a great example of the fact that not everyone who does this sort of thing is an assclamp – paper rad is another example – there are a few non-clamps in the sea of clamptronics; a critique is not a crockpot.

      lessig’s remixer’s manifesto:

      1. culture always builds on the past
      2. the past always tries to control the future
      3. our future is becoming less free
      4. to build free societies you must limit the control of the past

      sounds like something marx might have scribbled on a vodka-soaked bar napkin. i like lessig in a general way, but the ‘always this, always that, always always always’ is just so no, no, no no no. assumptions are like assholes, they make a monkey out of a molehill. i don’t give a damn if people want to remix and remash pop and listen to it – by all means they should be able to – but i sincerely hope that literature in the 21st century is not made using these sorts of vapid constructions set upon all-too familiar forms like hijacked railroad cars on the same old tracks. there is a subtle but important differance between invocation and evocation; one tells while the other shows – or, in this context, one rips while the other rolls. walt disney was a genius – it’s just too bad his kids are a bunch of genitals.

      it’s true, of course, there is a lot of hypocrisy in the system. for instance, there are libraries and bookstores – it’s truly baffling. and the potential to do something interesting with sampling is certainly there; it just doesn’t happen very often. but while i’m all for the message (more or less), in this case the medium is not the message – the message is the message. and if this is the message, the message is full of holes. anyway, i need a massage.

  27. zusya

      before i begin, the following words and phrases made me laugh a lot: “peeing on buildings with spray paint”, “assclamp”, “macbook mushmash sesh” and “bunch of genitals”

      i personally happened to have really liked the last Girl Talk album (Feed the Animals) and consider it to be something of a tongue-in-cheek, anti-cliche romp. but everyone one of his live sets i’ve heard since its release has been something of a huge letdown. instead of running in the right direction (and off the “tracks” you mentioned) he seems to have further staked his career in placating the “animals” i thought he was lampooning in the first place, and in his latest sets seems to be drifting further and further from anything remotely original. so he may just end up becoming a straight up Radio DJ V3.0, but back to the point at hand:

      “the message is the message… and it’s full of holes” … sounds a tad bit too cynical for me. how about: “the medium is the message for those that know how to use it”

  28. mimi

      Reynard you have out-done yourself
      You are funny and special
      Your comment is making me think (which is a good good thing)
      and I need some time to wrap my head around everything you said
      and obviously this is something you know and care a lot about
      but I really like _the way you said it_

      A vodka-soaked napkin would be hard to write on, I think
      A vodka-soaked blur is hard to see through

  29. mimi

      Reynard you have out-done yourself
      You are funny and special
      Your comment is making me think (which is a good good thing)
      and I need some time to wrap my head around everything you said
      and obviously this is something you know and care a lot about
      but I really like _the way you said it_

      A vodka-soaked napkin would be hard to write on, I think
      A vodka-soaked blur is hard to see through

  30. stephen

      i don’t think girl talk is wack. i think he was “notable” and “perhaps groundbreaking in a small way” when he came out, and he has always been “seemingly more technically proficient, creative, and talented” than his many imitators. i’d say he’s just “not cool” anymore, or “not impressive if you are ‘too good for everything.'”

  31. stephen

      i don’t think girl talk is wack. i think he was “notable” and “perhaps groundbreaking in a small way” when he came out, and he has always been “seemingly more technically proficient, creative, and talented” than his many imitators. i’d say he’s just “not cool” anymore, or “not impressive if you are ‘too good for everything.'”

  32. stephen

      off-topic: girls are annoying. when they don’t get what they want, they want it. when they do get what they want, they don’t want it. discuss

      (feel free to insert “boys” for “girls” in the preceding).

  33. stephen

      off-topic: girls are annoying. when they don’t get what they want, they want it. when they do get what they want, they don’t want it. discuss

      (feel free to insert “boys” for “girls” in the preceding).


      zzzipp gets excited when he solves mysteries


      zzzipp gets excited when he solves mysteries

  36. reynard

      thanks mimi, you’re right as usual

  37. reynard

      thanks mimi, you’re right as usual

  38. zusya

      are (Z^5)(I)(P^2) and (z^3)(i)(p^2) the same person? iff Z = z = 1?

  39. zusya

      why do i feel like i’m always the one to trafficcop convos off cliffs?

  40. reynard

      sorry – i’m with you, zusya. i was being pretty cynical. i was angry. and hungry, i think. i’ve had some time to think about, and something to eat, and i listened to that song ‘if you’re feeling sinister’ because i once had this idea to cover that song as ‘if you’re feeling cynical’ in a sort of weird al yankovic meets a belle & sebastian cover band style so it calms me down to listen to it the way people speak of gardening.

      anyway, your revision makes sense. and i know what you mean about girl talk’s career trajectory being a little like a real lead zeppelin. honestly i haven’t listened to the new one in its entirety because i never thought he did anything interesting in the first place, and never struck me as someone who was being ironic. mostly, i guess he’s a good mp3 dj but i don’t listen to djs and be like, ‘oh yeah so this is culture and stuff.’ whatever, let’s just agree to disagree on the music.

      in terms of your revision, “the medium is the message for those that know how to use it” – that’s true i suppose, but a bit of old news it seems. how about “the modem is the massage for those who candyfloss around” or “i’ve got a tandem parachute in the seat of my crotch rocket” what i’m saying is, i don’t think it matters very much. things are never really going to change. i think some people suck and other people like them. it doesn’t really matter. everything’s going to work out i guess. and then i guess i’m back to being cynical.

  41. reynard

      sorry – i’m with you, zusya. i was being pretty cynical. i was angry. and hungry, i think. i’ve had some time to think about, and something to eat, and i listened to that song ‘if you’re feeling sinister’ because i once had this idea to cover that song as ‘if you’re feeling cynical’ in a sort of weird al yankovic meets a belle & sebastian cover band style so it calms me down to listen to it the way people speak of gardening.

      anyway, your revision makes sense. and i know what you mean about girl talk’s career trajectory being a little like a real lead zeppelin. honestly i haven’t listened to the new one in its entirety because i never thought he did anything interesting in the first place, and never struck me as someone who was being ironic. mostly, i guess he’s a good mp3 dj but i don’t listen to djs and be like, ‘oh yeah so this is culture and stuff.’ whatever, let’s just agree to disagree on the music.

      in terms of your revision, “the medium is the message for those that know how to use it” – that’s true i suppose, but a bit of old news it seems. how about “the modem is the massage for those who candyfloss around” or “i’ve got a tandem parachute in the seat of my crotch rocket” what i’m saying is, i don’t think it matters very much. things are never really going to change. i think some people suck and other people like them. it doesn’t really matter. everything’s going to work out i guess. and then i guess i’m back to being cynical.

  42. zusya

      cynicism gets a bad rap, for more reasons than the word is simply hard to rhyme, but illegitimi non carborundum, buddy.

      well-adjusted and -pointed cynicism makes for a good read. i didn’t mean to imply there was anything wrong with whatever’s going on with that tandem parachute you’ve got going there.

      speaking of which, that would be a pretty awesome one-off poem: “marshall mcclellan’s first drafts”

      * i like medium-level massages
      * the message is, like, a mess… age
      * etc…

  43. demi-puppet


  44. demi-puppet


  45. stephen

      yea that was dumb of me. unrelated, silly frustrations. i am often dumb, i’ll be the first to admit it.

  46. stephen

      yea that was dumb of me. unrelated, silly frustrations. i am often dumb, i’ll be the first to admit it.