July 2nd, 2009 / 10:30 am
Word Spaces
Ryan Call
Word Spaces
Writing Spaces at Fictionaut Blog
Fictionaut has announced a new blog feature, Writing Spaces, “dedicated to the desks, cafes, libraries and retreats where Fictionaut writers work, providing a window to the physical places where some of the stories on the site originated.” The first featured writer is Stephen Stark, whose writing space appears to be a tiny barn.
Those of you interested in writing spaces might want to check back every now and then to see what goes up. Should be a cool time over there.
(via Monkeybicycle)
Tags: Fictionaut
I’ve done all kinds of stuff in barns but never written anything. Hmm, maybe a good time to start.
I’ve done all kinds of stuff in barns but never written anything. Hmm, maybe a good time to start.
They copied you?
They copied you?
i wasn’t paying attention but probably not…if they had any taste.
i wasn’t paying attention but probably not…if they had any taste.
naw i dont think of it as copying (in the negative sense). we basically copied guardian writers rooms series.
naw i dont think of it as copying (in the negative sense). we basically copied guardian writers rooms series.
ha, i really took that the wrong way (unlike any time in the barn)
ha, i really took that the wrong way (unlike any time in the barn)
oh christ. its like hello! magazine for writers. i hate this stuff.
oh christ. its like hello! magazine for writers. i hate this stuff.
Ideas are free.
Ideas are free.
I hug that thing. What is it?
I hug that thing. What is it?
Ha, just wrote you out of the will.
Ha, just wrote you out of the will.
Thanks for the post. Seemed like a fun thing to do. If anybody has ideas for “weightier” posts, drop me a line. And yeah, whatever that thing is, it belongs on http://www.fupenguin.com/
Thanks for the post. Seemed like a fun thing to do. If anybody has ideas for “weightier” posts, drop me a line. And yeah, whatever that thing is, it belongs on http://www.fupenguin.com/
Actually it’s not such a tiny barn. It’s only made tiny by all the crap I have in it.
Actually it’s not such a tiny barn. It’s only made tiny by all the crap I have in it.