July 2nd, 2009 / 10:30 am
Word Spaces

Writing Spaces at Fictionaut Blog

baby_slothFictionaut has announced a new blog feature, Writing Spaces, “dedicated to the desks, cafes, libraries and retreats where Fictionaut writers work, providing a window to the physical places where some of the stories on the site originated.” The first featured writer is Stephen Stark, whose writing space appears to be a tiny barn.

Those of you interested in writing spaces might want to check back every now and then to see what goes up. Should be a cool time over there.

(via Monkeybicycle)



  1. david erlewine

      I’ve done all kinds of stuff in barns but never written anything. Hmm, maybe a good time to start.

  2. david erlewine

      I’ve done all kinds of stuff in barns but never written anything. Hmm, maybe a good time to start.

  3. PHM

      They copied you?

  4. PHM

      They copied you?

  5. david erlewine

      i wasn’t paying attention but probably not…if they had any taste.

  6. david erlewine

      i wasn’t paying attention but probably not…if they had any taste.

  7. Ryan Call

      naw i dont think of it as copying (in the negative sense). we basically copied guardian writers rooms series.

  8. Ryan Call

      naw i dont think of it as copying (in the negative sense). we basically copied guardian writers rooms series.

  9. david erlewine

      ha, i really took that the wrong way (unlike any time in the barn)

  10. david erlewine

      ha, i really took that the wrong way (unlike any time in the barn)

  11. Agatha Christie's Disturbed Ni

      oh christ. its like hello! magazine for writers. i hate this stuff.

  12. Agatha Christie's Disturbed Niece

      oh christ. its like hello! magazine for writers. i hate this stuff.

  13. Matthew Simmons

      Ideas are free.

  14. Matthew Simmons

      Ideas are free.

  15. Janey Smith

      I hug that thing. What is it?

  16. Janey Smith

      I hug that thing. What is it?

  17. Agatha Christie

      Ha, just wrote you out of the will.

  18. Agatha Christie

      Ha, just wrote you out of the will.

  19. Jurgen

      Thanks for the post. Seemed like a fun thing to do. If anybody has ideas for “weightier” posts, drop me a line. And yeah, whatever that thing is, it belongs on http://www.fupenguin.com/

  20. Jurgen

      Thanks for the post. Seemed like a fun thing to do. If anybody has ideas for “weightier” posts, drop me a line. And yeah, whatever that thing is, it belongs on http://www.fupenguin.com/

  21. Stephen Stark

      Actually it’s not such a tiny barn. It’s only made tiny by all the crap I have in it.

  22. Stephen Stark

      Actually it’s not such a tiny barn. It’s only made tiny by all the crap I have in it.