Web Hype
We (still) Want Your Literary Tattoos!

Dan, Brighton England - text from Neuromancer by William Gibson
Some of you may remember that back in July, I posted a call for submissions to a book of photographs of literary tattoos. The book, The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide (edited by Eva Talmadge & Justin Taylor) has since become a reality, and will be published by Harper Perennial, probably next fall. Why am I telling you this? Because even though we have received hundreds of delightful and sometimes insane submissions, we are still collecting through the end of 2009, and we want you to be in our book. The process is very simple: (1) have a literary tattoo; (2) take a clear, focused, high-res photograph of that tattoo; (3) email that photograph as a jpeg attachment to tattoolit[at]gmail[dot]com, along with a paragraph or so talking about the tattoo and/or the literary work that inspired it, plus as much or as little personal data (name, location, etc.) as you feel like sharing (but even if you stay anon., please please give credit to your tattooist & their shop!). That’s all there is to it. Unless of course you don’t have a literary tattoo yet, in which case simply insert “get a literary tattoo” as (1), re-number the rest of the list accordingly, and proceed. And if you do get a literary tattoo just for the purpose of being in this book, make sure you mention that in your note. It will light us right up. Also, process pics! We’ve seen a few of these and they are great.
For more details about image resolution and tech stuff (if the file isn’t usable, it doesn’t matter how rad your ink is) have a look at our original call for subs, or just email us with your questions. (A lot of people wonder if their tattoo “counts” as literary–the answer is usually yes, so just ask.) And please feel free (encouraged!) to link to, re-blog, and fwd along this post to any person or online community you think might be interested. We want to make the best, fattest, wildest book that we possibly can. Thanks, and cheers.
Tags: The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide
What body part is that, in the photo?
What body part is that, in the photo?
That is a shoulder
That is a shoulder
“That is a shoulder” is a nice sentence.
“That is a shoulder” is a nice sentence.
Oh thanks. I see it now.
Oh thanks. I see it now.
” “That is a shoulder” is a nice sentence. ” is a nice sentence.
” “That is a shoulder” is a nice sentence. ” is a nice sentence.
I have two, but based on the last post it seems like all people want to do is rip on people who get them
I have two, but based on the last post it seems like all people want to do is rip on people who get them
I sent one in but never heard anything. Should I do so again?
I sent one in but never heard anything. Should I do so again?
Hey Justin, do you have any ink man? Ever see ‘The Pillow Book’?
Hey Justin, do you have any ink man? Ever see ‘The Pillow Book’?
Jacob, we loved your Berryman piece and we wrote you back on 10/2, the day after you wrote to us.
Jacob, we loved your Berryman piece and we wrote you back on 10/2, the day after you wrote to us.
Not sure what you’re referring to, but this book is not an HTMLGiant project. Giant just happens to be kind enough to lend Eva and I some space, since I work on both things. Please do get in touch with us. All best-
Have not seen the Pillow Book, and no, I don’t have any ink—yet. Going into this clean but expecting to come out marked. Don’t know with what yet. Will update as events warrant.
Not sure what you’re referring to, but this book is not an HTMLGiant project. Giant just happens to be kind enough to lend Eva and I some space, since I work on both things. Please do get in touch with us. All best-
Have not seen the Pillow Book, and no, I don’t have any ink—yet. Going into this clean but expecting to come out marked. Don’t know with what yet. Will update as events warrant.
These exchanges are rather priceless.
These exchanges are rather priceless.
I just sent mine in. I was meaning to get around to doing that a while ago. Whoops.
I just sent mine in. I was meaning to get around to doing that a while ago. Whoops.
Wow, I saw that guy’s tattoo when I was living in Brighton last year, just passing him in the street. I was too embarrassed to stop him and ask to take a photo but now I have stumbled upon it! Three cheers for the internet!
Wow, I saw that guy’s tattoo when I was living in Brighton last year, just passing him in the street. I was too embarrassed to stop him and ask to take a photo but now I have stumbled upon it! Three cheers for the internet!
interrobang – that’s a great name for a band
interrobang – that’s a great name for a band
Thanks for these links. We’ve looked at and dig both of these. We especially admire the work that Contrariwise does and are very much hoping that some of their contributors will be interested in being part of our project. We’ve sent a couple emails, but no response from their admin yet. If you happen to be part of that community or know anyone who is, please feel free to extend our good wishes. In any case, we’ll probably write to them again soon.
Thanks for these links. We’ve looked at and dig both of these. We especially admire the work that Contrariwise does and are very much hoping that some of their contributors will be interested in being part of our project. We’ve sent a couple emails, but no response from their admin yet. If you happen to be part of that community or know anyone who is, please feel free to extend our good wishes. In any case, we’ll probably write to them again soon.
You guys should have a set of temporary literary tattoos that come with the book.
You guys should have a set of temporary literary tattoos that come with the book.
Best. Idea. Ever!
Best. Idea. Ever!