I distinctly remember when I discovered the rapper Teejayx6.
I associate the rapper Teejayx6 with the period of my life that I first discovered him.
With what I’d been on during that period.
It was 1.5 years ago and I’d just pulled up to NYC. To Harlem.
Had emptied out the bank account for first last security. Recklessly.
Banking on being able to start scrapping, stacking, the minute I pulled up.
I remember listening to that shit pulling up to the first job I got, as motivation. Sparking a string of gigs over a month, August 2019, in which I’d make the same amount of money I made the entire previous year living in the hood, in Philly, doing bike deliveries for Postmates (~$6K).
My homie Randall put me on to the rapper Teejayx6.
I remember Randall, who is from the greater Detroit area, where Teejayx6 is from, had sent me his shit—the video for ‘Dark Web,’ the one that would go viral, in which he talkin high level scamming techniques, how to download VPNs, Tor browsers, in another vid that vid linked me to physically doin credit card fraud.
Randall sent me this vid that today, 31 January 2021, has 4.2M views, when it had like 300K.
The OG scam rapper.
Or—the usherer of scam rap into the mainstream.
The mouthpiece, to the masses, of the message scam rap OGs had been pushing, but localized, for a minute.
What Teejayx6 was on was, he was on that nonviolent flex.
Like look—y’all gon box us young boys unfit for your schooling, your free markets, out the game?
With your linguistic classism, your fetishization of state-sponsored academia?
We gon get it.
We gon fkn ball, bruh.
Gon find a way, somehow some way.
And hitting licks, robbing mfers. Sure.
We been doin that, and . . .
That’s a wave.
But this scamming shit?
With this scamming shit, no one dies.
Here’s how, says Teejayx6.