July 16th, 2010 / 6:46 pm
Author News & Craft Notes

A Friday Poem?

what is it called

what is it called when a doe gives birth to her litter
what is it called when you like pain
what is it called when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit
what is it called when a snake sheds its skin
what is it called when a dog gives birth
what is it called when you cant sleep
what is it called when a sea bird lands on a channel marker
what is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas
what is it called when you can’t smell
what is it called when you cant hear

More after the cut.

So this poem was discovered by my friend Stesha when she was trying to find out what something was called by using Google. What do we think of Google’s work?

Have we discovered something new here? Sudden, accidental Google intuition poetry? Or is this something others have noticed?

Could someone Google that for me?



  1. stephen

      “what is it called when you like pain” hehe… :)

  2. PHC

      ancient meme

  3. marshall

      I will attempt to answer all of these questions without using any reference sources.

      Q1. what is it called when a doe gives birth to her litter
      A1. Birth?
      Q2. what is it called when you like pain
      A2. Sadism.
      Q3. what is it called when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit
      A3. Apogee. (It might be the other -ogee.)
      Q4. what is it called when a snake sheds its skin
      A4. Molting.
      Q5. what is it called when a dog gives birth
      A5. Birth?
      Q6. what is it called when you cant sleep
      A6. Insomnia.
      Q7. what is it called when a sea bird lands on a channel marker
      A7. There’s no name for this?
      Q8. what is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas
      A8. Sublimation.
      Q9. what is it called when you can’t smell
      A9. Anolfaction?
      Q10. what is it called when you cant hear
      A10. Deafness.

  4. Matthew Simmons

      I thought it might be, but I’ve only seen it offered in a “look at the weirdly hilarious thing Google thinks I want to look for.” Or, Google is Racist.

  5. marshall

      I guess I got 5/10 or something.

  6. Matthew Simmons

      A for effort, though. Thank you, marshall!

  7. marshall

      thanx bro

  8. Janey Smith

      Marshall? You kind of sound like a masochist.

  9. stephen

      “what is it called when you like pain” hehe… :)

  10. marshall

      Hi, Janey. I’m not sure if you only comment on blogs in “art speak” or if you are being “literal” here. I’m probably some sort of a masochist. Not sure what you are referring to. I’m following your blog on Tumblr. I read your first post about Mike Buffalo’s “novel-in-progress.” I was excited by that. I did some googling and I thought that maybe Mike Buffalo was a pseudonym of yours, but it seems like there is a 75% chance that it isn’t. I hope it is. I read “Disneyland is the world” and thought “Disney World is the world.”

  11. PHC

      ancient meme

  12. Guest

      I will attempt to answer all of these questions without using any reference sources.

      Q1. what is it called when a doe gives birth to her litter
      A1. Birth?
      Q2. what is it called when you like pain
      A2. Sadism.
      Q3. what is it called when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit
      A3. Apogee. (It might be the other -ogee.)
      Q4. what is it called when a snake sheds its skin
      A4. Molting.
      Q5. what is it called when a dog gives birth
      A5. Birth?
      Q6. what is it called when you cant sleep
      A6. Insomnia.
      Q7. what is it called when a sea bird lands on a channel marker
      A7. There’s no name for this?
      Q8. what is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas
      A8. Sublimation.
      Q9. what is it called when you can’t smell
      A9. Anolfaction?
      Q10. what is it called when you cant hear
      A10. Deafness.

  13. Matthew Simmons

      I thought it might be, but I’ve only seen it offered in a “look at the weirdly hilarious thing Google thinks I want to look for.” Or, Google is Racist.

  14. Guest

      I guess I got 5/10 or something.

  15. Matthew Simmons

      A for effort, though. Thank you, marshall!

  16. Guest

      thanx bro

  17. Trey

      i like this but i think that google shouldn’t be thought of as the author. google is more like the editor or something, since it compiled this from words we (humans, not specific visitors of this blog) entered. people who don’t even care about poetry, words, etc. etc. had a hand in this, and it *is* sort of beautiful and pretty believable as a poem (i bought it as a real, intentional poem before I clicked into the full post, but maybe that doesn’t say much). which is cool, and for a little bit makes me hopeful.

  18. marshall

      google.com yall

  19. Janey Smith

      Marshall? You kind of sound like a masochist.

  20. Guest

      Hi, Janey. I’m not sure if you only comment on blogs in “art speak” or if you are being “literal” here. I’m probably some sort of a masochist. Not sure what you are referring to. I’m following your blog on Tumblr. I read your first post about Mike Buffalo’s “novel-in-progress.” I was excited by that. I did some googling and I thought that maybe Mike Buffalo was a pseudonym of yours, but it seems like there is a 75% chance that it isn’t. I hope it is. I read “Disneyland is the world” and thought “Disney World is the world.”

  21. Janey Smith

      I don’t know what you mean (playing dumb facial expression). But, I’m glad we’re both sort of masochists! I’m glad you’re excited about what I am doing! To clarify: It is.

  22. Trey

      i like this but i think that google shouldn’t be thought of as the author. google is more like the editor or something, since it compiled this from words we (humans, not specific visitors of this blog) entered. people who don’t even care about poetry, words, etc. etc. had a hand in this, and it *is* sort of beautiful and pretty believable as a poem (i bought it as a real, intentional poem before I clicked into the full post, but maybe that doesn’t say much). which is cool, and for a little bit makes me hopeful.

  23. Guest

      google.com yall

  24. Janey Smith

      I don’t know what you mean (playing dumb facial expression). But, I’m glad we’re both sort of masochists! I’m glad you’re excited about what I am doing! To clarify: It is.

  25. jak cardini

      it’s called “flarf” and it’s been around for awhile. Poetry magazine even ran a whole half issue on google generated poems and quite a few poets have made a name for themselves working with the search engine. I read an essay not too long ago questioning the idea of it’s “randomness”, bring google’s secret algorithm into question. If I wasn’t on my phone I’d link some stuff. Better yet, just google it : “flarf”.

  26. goldmag.de » Blog Archiv » Dichten mit Google?

      […] Matthew Simmons, der am gestrigen Freitag einen ähnlichen Versuch unter der Überschrift “A Friday Poem?” bei den Htmlgiants […]

  27. jak cardini

      it’s called “flarf” and it’s been around for awhile. Poetry magazine even ran a whole half issue on google generated poems and quite a few poets have made a name for themselves working with the search engine. I read an essay not too long ago questioning the idea of it’s “randomness”, bring google’s secret algorithm into question. If I wasn’t on my phone I’d link some stuff. Better yet, just google it : “flarf”.

  28. Jhon Baker

      this isn’t poetry – it’s found art.

  29. Jhon Baker

      this isn’t poetry – it’s found art.

  30. Igor


  31. Igor
