July 31st, 2009 / 9:35 am
Author News & Author Spotlight

Michael Kimball Interviewed on NPR


Unless you’re weird, you probably already listened to Giant amigo Michael Kimball’s interview on NPR. It’s about his project, Michael Kimball Writes Your Life Story (On a Postcard), which, unless you’re weird, you’re probably already hip to, too.

I thought the interview was great, that what he said was about more than his project, and more than a criticism of Facebook culture — that we’re all promoting ourselves but no one cares — but it was about a profound sort of other-centeredness, about Story and the importance of getting to know the story of other people’s lives.

I’d say more but I gotta go read some Levinas. What did you think of the interview?

Oh, and check out this video of Blaster Al Ackerman reading for the 60 Writers movie Michael’s making with Luca Dipierro (I know, Sam linked to one yesterday but what the heck, my man was just interviewed on NPR).

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  1. Matthew Simmons

      That’s my favorite clip from 60 Writers so far. It’s hypnotizing.

      (The others are really good, too. But there’s something about Blaster.)

  2. Matthew Simmons

      That’s my favorite clip from 60 Writers so far. It’s hypnotizing.

      (The others are really good, too. But there’s something about Blaster.)

  3. Adam Robinson

      Yeah, it’s great to see him do it live, which he always does.

  4. Adam Robinson

      Yeah, it’s great to see him do it live, which he always does.