January 22nd, 2010 / 3:36 pm
Author Spotlight & Snippets

Justin is on Electric Literature and the story’s kinda badass. E.g.: “I don’t know dick about Latin but some things are just obvious and sometimes I think that’s what God is: the obvious, resplendent and intractable and dumb.” (Sorry I didn’t notice this sooner.)


  1. Sean

      Uh, that was fucking good.

      Anyone read Hunger Bones by Marquart?

  2. Sean

      Uh, that was fucking good.

      Anyone read Hunger Bones by Marquart?

  3. Chris

      Excited for the collection (which is not out yet, right?).

  4. Chris

      Excited for the collection (which is not out yet, right?).

  5. Stu

      Yes, very good, indeed. Chugging and puking with pride.

  6. Stu

      Yes, very good, indeed. Chugging and puking with pride.