February 24th, 2011 / 7:22 pm
Author Spotlight

Foucault’s bill


  1. deadgod

      Dear M. Foucault,

      Rolax, Mikey, the Donna Karan specs are 399. You’re right about Tamara’s ass – the 60 skins are worth some disciplinary jeanieology, no? – but we believe that us sending Guido over is just what you’re trying to finagle, and that’ll cost you another grand.

      Biff Smiff, Lenscrafters Promissory Retrieval Engineer

      PS: Don’t “peel” all your “bananas” before Guido arrives.

  2. Jimmy Chen

      hello deadgod, thanks for the spell check, and props for pun-ridden comment; please leave your basement, i think there’s a mold problem.

  3. shaun gannon

      lol, transition lenses

  4. shaun gannon

      lol, transition lenses

  5. shaun gannon

      lol, transition lenses

  6. deadgod

      hi Jimmy Chen, thanks for the recommendation, but my saprophytic engagement is limited to reading content, not the material of the material. is this a basement?? I thought the windows were just dirty.

  7. Jimmy Chen

      sweet, you just dictionary.com’d my ass. i like u deadgod

  8. alex crowley

      wait, is an “american ass” extra junk or flatscreen?

  9. alex crowley

      wait, is an “american ass” extra junk or flatscreen?

  10. Dcohn

      Very cute, but I hope you’ll permit two crucial points (perhaps I’m being overly picky:) 1. Foucalt died in 1984, 2. Of AIDS. Foucault was very distinctly gay.

  11. Canadian Hunk

      This didn’t work.

  12. Jimmy Chen

      neil young! call me, i got some chord patterns i wanna go over with you.

  13. Canadian Hunk

      Neil Young isn’t a hunk.

  14. Canadian Hunk

      Think Ryan Reynolds but more ripped.

  15. deadgod

      better saprophytism than coprophagy

      my feelings about deadgod are mixed

  16. deadgod

      “This didn’t work.” isn’t a “New Comment”.

  17. Janey Smith

      Jimmy? Prescription lens flat provides panopticonic vision, I think.

  18. Rter


  19. Canadian Hunk

      Ethical neo-anarchy, I like!

  20. Canadian Hunk

      Sorry, took too many happy pills and didn’t know what was going on. Jimmy Chen is one of my most favourite parts of HTMLG. Respect.

  21. Jimmy Chen

      no worries my brother. the ‘meaning’ of a piece is often derived, or at least completed, by its subsequent discourse, to which readers like you are inextricable; so never apologize for saying what you think, as it is needed. not to be funny, but i’m literally not wearing any pants right now. such are the precious moments b4 work.

  22. Canadian Hunk

      Jimmy Chen, I love you. Never put on any pants.

  23. M. Kitchell

      ryan reynolds is hot & i am only slightly embarrassed to admit that

      he is also way younger than the dudes i normally go for

  24. deadgod

      And then there were two.

  25. Sean

      Humor is coin. This is a lobster. Glow.

  26. Gdgf


  27. Jimmy Chen

      ‘the proposal’ almost made me cry; i love romantic comedies, because at their core they are sad.

  28. deadgod

      ^ colostomy bag – not the real mccoy ^

  29. Anonymous


  30. Yuftyf
