Ben Mirov

Ben Mirov grew up in Northern California. He is the author of Ghost Machine (Caketrain, 2010), and the chapbooks, Vortexts (SUPERMACHINE, 2011), I is to Vorticism (New Michigan Press, 2010) and Collected Ghost (H_NGM_N, 2010).
Ben Mirov grew up in Northern California. He is the author of Ghost Machine (Caketrain, 2010), and the chapbooks, Vortexts (SUPERMACHINE, 2011), I is to Vorticism (New Michigan Press, 2010) and Collected Ghost (H_NGM_N, 2010).
Subito Press, publisher of Mathias Svalina’s The Explosions, and Sandra Doller’s Man Years, is having an open reading period. Subito is “a non-profit publisher of literary works. It is based in the Creative Writing Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder.” You can submit work, here.
Details on the open reading period can be found, here.
How do you feel about the writing scene in your city? Does it make you stronger, or does it sap your will to live like a giant lamprey?
I feel like it would be an honor to be left out of an anthology as much as it would be to be included in one (Ange Mlinko’s review of Paul Hoover’s Norton Anthology of Post Modern Literature from the Nation, follows. I expect this will get taken down soon, as the original article was behind a paywall…). Do you give a fuck about this? Or about being anthologized? Should I?
Fou Magazine came back from the dead. Check out their 4th issue here. They also have a twitter account.
Here are the latest installments of Ben Pease’s epic video poem, Chataeu Wichman. Previous installments in the series can be found below.
Do you like summits? Do you like poetry? Do you live in or around the Bay Area? You’re in luck! Info provided by event organizer Andrew Kenower after the jump…
Amy Lawless and I like to read chapbooks and review them on the internet. We used to write these together, while drinking wine and watching TV. We live in different cities now, so we do them over gchat. Here are our recent reviews:
Review 1: The Wikipedia Page for Tears
“boy with mullet, crying”
Amy: HEY
Sent at 1:23 PM on Sunday
me: yo
Amy: we did it
me: ya good job
Amy: ha
me: lets get into it. what’s the first item
Amy: The Wikipedia Page for Tears:
Let’s both look at the page and go for it.
I’m in Portland. I read at Bad Blood XVI last night with Elaine Kahn, Brian Foley, and Rebecca Farivar. Portland seems full of rad people. 99% of them are poets. I had a really great time at the reading. Here are 3 items of interest related to Portland, Bad Blood and Octopus Books: