Lily Hoang
Lily Hoang has published some books and won some awards. She is Director of the MFA in Writing at UC San Diego.
Lily Hoang has published some books and won some awards. She is Director of the MFA in Writing at UC San Diego.
In times of uncertain endings, here’s a new journal who craves it. Full submission guidelines at
(Thank you HTML Giant, for many wonderful years, for impacting my life in magical ways, for being my friend. xoxo)
This is something I’m teaching right now:
In this class that focuses on punctuation—take a deep breath now—you will be writing a novel. A complete first draft of a novel: in this class. Yay!
Through this class, you should expect to achieve the following goals:
Gabler edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses
I remember it very clearly. It was Chinese New Year, this year: to celebrate, I wore red pants and a black and white polka dotted shirt and a red and brown cardigan. I looked down at myself and thought: Who let me out of the house like this? Luckily, I had not left my house. I was pacing in my backyard, smoking a cigarette, making circles and circles. I looked down at myself and had an epiphany: I’m fucking weird.
This is funny because for most of my life, I’ve tried to be weird, and then one day, I just became weird.
I’m panhandling bad advice on other social media sites today. Do you want my bad advice? It will be free of charge, but only for today.
My sister died a year ago today. I would like to believe my grief is original, but it isn’t.
In “Plants and the Limits of Empathy,” Michael Marder argues that it is impossible for people to genuinely empathize with plants because we are too different. Any semblance of empathy is pure anthropomorphization.
To those who have not lost, they cannot empathize.
Make me human, darling, anthropomorphize me.
Do you know this guy?
If you don’t, you should. His name is Justin Sirois and he is number one. (I stole “X is number one” from Noah Cicero.) If you asked me, I’d say: Justin Sirois is ace.
Ace Justin Sirois has an app. Who the fuck has their own app?!! Check it out. 4.99 never seemed so attractive. What can you get for 4.99? Not a pack of smokes, but you can get this app. Booms.