
The other day, I bought Granta (I’m liking many of these stories), A Public Space (I still have far to go with this one, but I’m feeling a bit lukewarm about it today, maybe tomorrow I’ll feel differently), The New York Review of Books (had to skim the Patricia Highsmith article because of too many spoilers about books of hers I plan on reading) and Gigantic (fun and different — a nice palate cleanser between reading the other journals).

Hey, do you guys know this site called I was thinking of starting a site called Maybe because the dude wrote a bad review of one of my stories? Nah.

Tim Gautreaux’s story “Idols” in the latest New Yorker imagines the continued life of Obadiah Elihue, the character from Flannery O’Connor’s story, “Parker’s Back”, which I wrote about here. Good stuff.

A new issue of Colored Chalk will be edited by Richard Thomas and he’s accepting submissions for its “heaven and hell”  issue (500 to 1500 words) until June 30th. I’m polishing up a piece on heaven for submission.

Diamanda Galas

I’m watching a very dumb movie called Doomsday. I ran three and a half miles today, only the second time since I was very sick.  My fucking throat still hurts – I keep thinking I’ll be all better, but no. One of my cats peed blood yesterday. God help me. This dumb ass movie is making me think of Diamanda.  After the jump are two videos from the one and only Diamanda Galas. I saw her perform at The Kitchen in NYC when I was in my early twenties. She hurt my mind in the very best way. Shortly thereafter, I was a twenty-something waitress when she came into Orson’s on my lunch shift with great regularity. She was the most polite, grateful and truly sweet and joyful customer. God bless. I never let on that I worshipped her ass, or saw her perform. I am different now. Now I say, “Hey I LOVE you!” I am not cool anymore. What a fucking relief. Here are a couple of crazy ass videos: READ MORE >

Random / 29 Comments
June 16th, 2009 / 9:31 pm

Jonathan Allen and Steve Carey

 The artist Jonathan Allen (and dear friend, full disclosure) designed the cover  for The Selected Poems of Steve Carey (Subpress, click here to see the cover ).  Jonathan Allen’s website makes for fantastic browsing. He recently had a painting at The Whitney Art Party and it was featured in Style (which is sort of funny, considering his art questions the values of such magazines, according to me). The man is a massive talent. He’s designed other covers for books of poetry and journals so contact him via his website and get a piece of him before he becomes so huge he retires to a Greek Island or something.

Presses / 10 Comments
June 15th, 2009 / 4:26 pm


Drunk Notes on Vicky Christina Barcelona

A while back, I got drunk and watched this movie. And I took drunken notes thinking of writing a real review. I am not going to write that review. Here are my drunk notes. READ MORE >

June 14th, 2009 / 10:43 pm

I think I’ll read Suicide Squeeze by Victor Gischler this week. I loved The Pistol Poets. Anthony Neil Smith, of, among other things, Plots with Guns fame, is guest blogging over at Gischler’s site.  Someday, I ‘ll write a longer post on Smith and the fantastic Plots with Guns ( featuring great work by Kyle Minor, Barry Graham, Pinckney Benedict and others in the past years), but check out all the links for now.

Excerpt from “Footnote to Howl” by Allen Ginsberg

The frequent commenter and all around nice man Ryan W. Bradley once told me that his mother gave him Howl to read when he was ten. This made me go buy Howl from the great City Light Books. James Blake will play Andy Murray in the final of Queens, the lead up event to Wimbledon. I just finished reading an old One Story story ( I subscribed at one time, I no longer do, but those little stories are scattered around my house) called “Selling the Apartment” by Danit Brown. It was written in the second person. Wells Tower wrote in the second person once and I liked that story, but it was really short. READ MORE >

Excerpts / 38 Comments
June 13th, 2009 / 3:05 pm