October 20th, 2009 / 11:15 am
Behind the Scenes

No User


Let’s talk about the cult of the anonymous comment. Seems like a significant portion of the comments in forums of this nature where someone actually comes out and says something directly criticizing another person for something they feel strongly about, it is done in an anonymous context. No link, no email, usually a goofy name. Being able to see the ISPs behind the comments, I can tell you that a lot of the time these comments come from people who had posted before while supplying their real name and links, and their veiling only began when they actually had something to say.

Which is, obviously, confusing, supposedly being a group of ‘writers’. [For the record I hate referring to people as writers, because every person is a writer. It’s like saying I’m a breather.] But these people who under the guise of the idea that they write regularly and more seriously than people who are just writing down grocery lists or whatever, it seems like these would be the kind of people most willing and fully ready to associate the words they are saying with their personas. Right? You are a ‘wordsmith,’ you say things that other people are supposed to want to listen to, so why go anonymous when you are actually saying something with some balls behind it?

Sure, this is a social forum, and a comment ultimately means nothing in the scope of it, but I really don’t get the idea of ‘writers’ who don’t take credit for what they say, perhaps under the idea that they will be scorned for it, or somehow affected, like an editor they offend might not let them into joesdickshed.blogspot.com magazine anymore.

Part of me imagines that these same people who comment anonymously when they feel blood are the same people who turn stories in in workshop that smell like mega-watered down Yates.

Listen, the little, if only, value, in my mind, of a comment forum like HTML Giant (outside of the articles themselves) is that inside it people can throw their mouths against a wall. Some blood can get stirred up, and toneless statements made, and sometimes the result can be compelling, if not enlivening, and often irritating. I like to be irritated. It reminds me I still feel something, in a social nature. Sure, many people already know this, and say what they will with their own mouth, but the other trend is still prevalent enough to need to name.

What is the true motive of the anonymous comment? To send shockwaves to their target, and disappear? An evil Santa Claus? Or is it more like free therapy or forum porn?

Take credit for what you think. Even if it’s anti-, or disagreeable, people will respect you that much more. Or (imagine this) try to take things more positive more often, even the ones that on their face seem made of sass. Because all we’re really doing here is jacking off about what we love, no? Otherwise, this web browser should be closed, and a Word document open (it should be anyway).

All this said, next week at HTML Giant will be the second annual Mean Week. No anony-mouses allowed.

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  1. Justin Taylor

      I’d love to see a list posted that matches anonymous comments to regular and well-known commenters. Are Jereme Dean and PH Madore both creations of Lee Siegel?

  2. davidpeak

      anonymous comments = bag of dicks

      i have theories about who a lot of the anons are. sometimes you can see when someone is commenting a lot and then an anon pops up and leaves a few, then that person returns.

      it’s kind of sad. too much clever is never a good thing.

  3. Justin Taylor

      I’d love to see a list posted that matches anonymous comments to regular and well-known commenters. Are Jereme Dean and PH Madore both creations of Lee Siegel?

  4. davidpeak

      anonymous comments = bag of dicks

      i have theories about who a lot of the anons are. sometimes you can see when someone is commenting a lot and then an anon pops up and leaves a few, then that person returns.

      it’s kind of sad. too much clever is never a good thing.

  5. davidpeak

      i second the idea of putting out a list exposing the anon comments. these people need to be publicly shamed.

      remember hyo jung?

  6. davidpeak

      i second the idea of putting out a list exposing the anon comments. these people need to be publicly shamed.

      remember hyo jung?

  7. Nathan Tyree

      I always sign my name, no matter what I am saying. Otherwise, what is the point

  8. Nathan Tyree

      I always sign my name, no matter what I am saying. Otherwise, what is the point

  9. Roxane

      The one thing that has always bothered me here is the anonymous commenters with their prognostications and judgments–bold enough to vocalize their opinions but not bold enough to actually stand behind them. I don’t mind differing perspectives but at least be adult enough to put your name behind what you say and yes I realize this completely contradicts my opinion on anonymous editors. No need to point it out. I’m doing it for you.

  10. Roxane

      The one thing that has always bothered me here is the anonymous commenters with their prognostications and judgments–bold enough to vocalize their opinions but not bold enough to actually stand behind them. I don’t mind differing perspectives but at least be adult enough to put your name behind what you say and yes I realize this completely contradicts my opinion on anonymous editors. No need to point it out. I’m doing it for you.

  11. John Madera

      Anonymous comments are lame. And it’s funny how, in the end, they are either usually sussed out or outed in some other way. Ultimately, I think the only motivation to post something anonymously is fear. While that fear may be justified, as in a person writing something damning in a totalitarian state where retribution will be fierce and harrowing, it’s usually just callow. Now my question is should such comments should be disallowed? Is that a form of censorship?

  12. rion

      I like being anonymous sometimes. It’s fun. Like taking on a persona.

  13. Lincoln

      Anon comments have their place I think, though they frequently get abused as well. Sometimes an idea is better tossed out there without a name attached. Not into people who use anon just to attack some other regular poster/contributor though.

  14. John Madera

      Anonymous comments are lame. And it’s funny how, in the end, they are either usually sussed out or outed in some other way. Ultimately, I think the only motivation to post something anonymously is fear. While that fear may be justified, as in a person writing something damning in a totalitarian state where retribution will be fierce and harrowing, it’s usually just callow. Now my question is should such comments should be disallowed? Is that a form of censorship?

  15. rion

      I like being anonymous sometimes. It’s fun. Like taking on a persona.

  16. Lincoln

      Anon comments have their place I think, though they frequently get abused as well. Sometimes an idea is better tossed out there without a name attached. Not into people who use anon just to attack some other regular poster/contributor though.

  17. Amy McDaniel

      i have some mild concerns about what i say being found by my students, only because they might bring those things to my attention in incredibly awkward ways in the middle of class. but posting anonymously doesn’t have any appeal as a solution in those cases. if i manage to think of a funny thing to say, i want people to know i thought it! and offer sexual favors or think i’m cool and stuff. otherwise what is the point?

  18. Amy McDaniel

      i have some mild concerns about what i say being found by my students, only because they might bring those things to my attention in incredibly awkward ways in the middle of class. but posting anonymously doesn’t have any appeal as a solution in those cases. if i manage to think of a funny thing to say, i want people to know i thought it! and offer sexual favors or think i’m cool and stuff. otherwise what is the point?

  19. Amy McDaniel

      so, in your syllogism, a bag of dicks is never a good thing?


  20. Amy McDaniel

      so, in your syllogism, a bag of dicks is never a good thing?


  21. Amy McDaniel

      also, if that cat is a real htmlgiant anonymous commenter, i think s/he ought to be encouraged even during mean weak

  22. Amy McDaniel

      also, if that cat is a real htmlgiant anonymous commenter, i think s/he ought to be encouraged even during mean weak

  23. davidpeak

      never thought that far ahead…but no. a bag of dicks is not a good thing. it is lumpy and smelly and heavy.

      i suppose you could take a dick out and do something with it, but then it would be the dick itself that was useful–not the bag of remaining dicks.

      i learned the insult from the 80s b-horror film “Don’t Go Into the Woods…Alone.”

      that’s the level we’re dealing with here.

  24. davidpeak

      never thought that far ahead…but no. a bag of dicks is not a good thing. it is lumpy and smelly and heavy.

      i suppose you could take a dick out and do something with it, but then it would be the dick itself that was useful–not the bag of remaining dicks.

      i learned the insult from the 80s b-horror film “Don’t Go Into the Woods…Alone.”

      that’s the level we’re dealing with here.

  25. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I also vote in favor of outing.

      Was hyo jung actually Tao, or was that just a joke somebody made?

  26. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I also vote in favor of outing.

      Was hyo jung actually Tao, or was that just a joke somebody made?

  27. Amy McDaniel

      a bag of dicks would be useful as a weapon, like a stink bomb X 1,000

  28. Amy McDaniel

      a bag of dicks would be useful as a weapon, like a stink bomb X 1,000

  29. Blake Butler

      i wouldnt turn them off, just because that seems even worse, but i wouldn’t call it censorship. i’d call it cleaning house. luckily for anons i don’t mind a slightly sloppy house.

  30. davidpeak

      you’re either smarter than me or dumber than me. but either way i really like the math what you’re saying.

  31. Blake Butler

      i wouldnt turn them off, just because that seems even worse, but i wouldn’t call it censorship. i’d call it cleaning house. luckily for anons i don’t mind a slightly sloppy house.

  32. davidpeak

      you’re either smarter than me or dumber than me. but either way i really like the math what you’re saying.

  33. Blake Butler

      you’re right, they can have a place. i think that place applies to less than 1/4th of all anon comments, though. usually they are just products of weak.

  34. Blake Butler

      you’re right, they can have a place. i think that place applies to less than 1/4th of all anon comments, though. usually they are just products of weak.

  35. joe

      a shed of dicks would be a useful storage place.

  36. Blake Butler

      that cat picture was supposed to be me. i uploaded a shot of me smiling, and the cat appeared.

  37. anon

      there is nothing wrong with being anon. it is something different to become anon when you want to criticize someone personally or harshly when you otherwise wish to pretend to be blogger friends or something.

  38. joe

      a shed of dicks would be a useful storage place.

  39. Blake Butler

      that cat picture was supposed to be me. i uploaded a shot of me smiling, and the cat appeared.

  40. anon

      there is nothing wrong with being anon. it is something different to become anon when you want to criticize someone personally or harshly when you otherwise wish to pretend to be blogger friends or something.

  41. Lincoln

      I would agree with that. The majority of them are worthless.

  42. Lincoln

      I would agree with that. The majority of them are worthless.

  43. anon

      I use anon to be disingenuous myself.

      BTW, that Lovelace guy is quite the flash artiste.

  44. anon

      I use anon to be disingenuous myself.

      BTW, that Lovelace guy is quite the flash artiste.

  45. sean

      I actually think the cool thing about anon is that no matter what site I go on–running, popcorn, how to fix my washing machine–the comments immediately go sexual or bigoted IF THEY ARE ANON. It’s like the id or some shit. They say what they mean, and they mean nasty.

      Kind of depressing.


  46. sean

      I actually think the cool thing about anon is that no matter what site I go on–running, popcorn, how to fix my washing machine–the comments immediately go sexual or bigoted IF THEY ARE ANON. It’s like the id or some shit. They say what they mean, and they mean nasty.

      Kind of depressing.


  47. mimi

      Yup. Seems like an editorial issue/decision. If y’alls don’t want anon commenters, by all means turn them off. Might decrease your readership/hits, tho.
      Personally, I like a slightly sloppy house. Much more interesting.
      And I come to HTML giant as a reader, not a writer. Are you going to “tell” me to go away?

  48. mimi

      Yup. Seems like an editorial issue/decision. If y’alls don’t want anon commenters, by all means turn them off. Might decrease your readership/hits, tho.
      Personally, I like a slightly sloppy house. Much more interesting.
      And I come to HTML giant as a reader, not a writer. Are you going to “tell” me to go away?

  49. Blake Butler

      i just said i wouldn’t turn em off, boo

  50. Blake Butler

      i just said i wouldn’t turn em off, boo

  51. Craig Snyder

      Anonymous comments are quite lovely. The web would be more boring without them. Pity the Anons, invite them into your homes, and feed them nourishing things.

  52. Craig Snyder

      Anonymous comments are quite lovely. The web would be more boring without them. Pity the Anons, invite them into your homes, and feed them nourishing things.

  53. davidpeak

      not sure. i never really understood that. it seemed legit at first, like they took a long time creating hyo jung’s personality and background. i think i lost my last shred of gullibility after all that “i’m just tao’s intern” nonsense.

  54. davidpeak

      not sure. i never really understood that. it seemed legit at first, like they took a long time creating hyo jung’s personality and background. i think i lost my last shred of gullibility after all that “i’m just tao’s intern” nonsense.

  55. Amy McDaniel

      and so too should you be encouraged.

  56. Amy McDaniel

      and so too should you be encouraged.

  57. Rebecca Loudon

      It’s so much more fun to make a fool of yourself while wearing a giant name tag. I practice this religiously. It’s pretty much my only religion. That and figs.

      Rebecca “Anon” Loudon

  58. Rebecca Loudon

      It’s so much more fun to make a fool of yourself while wearing a giant name tag. I practice this religiously. It’s pretty much my only religion. That and figs.

      Rebecca “Anon” Loudon

  59. Gianonymous

      Man, I get the whole “Own Up” thing but I think there is a time and a place for the anonymous comment. There are some occasions where it really might be necessary. Shit, I’ve done it. But I won’t anymore. And I have no idea who 99% of these people are anyway so it makes no difference to me whether someone’s name is “anon” or “davidpeak” or whatever, it’s all pretty faceless. I don’t know if I even look at the names of people who say the things. I guess it would make sense if I followed their history of comments on the site, but I don’t. That’s all. Maybe I’m wrong. Sorry.

  60. Gianonymous

      Man, I get the whole “Own Up” thing but I think there is a time and a place for the anonymous comment. There are some occasions where it really might be necessary. Shit, I’ve done it. But I won’t anymore. And I have no idea who 99% of these people are anyway so it makes no difference to me whether someone’s name is “anon” or “davidpeak” or whatever, it’s all pretty faceless. I don’t know if I even look at the names of people who say the things. I guess it would make sense if I followed their history of comments on the site, but I don’t. That’s all. Maybe I’m wrong. Sorry.

  61. darby

      i agree mostly with this. i’ve never met anyone here in life so everyone is sort of anon already and I feel anon when I comment. Anon bothers me more when there’s a real accountability attached, which is why i don’t like the whole anon editor thing.

  62. darby

      i agree mostly with this. i’ve never met anyone here in life so everyone is sort of anon already and I feel anon when I comment. Anon bothers me more when there’s a real accountability attached, which is why i don’t like the whole anon editor thing.

  63. davidpeak

      i think i see this the other way around. an anonymous editor can’t hide behind a shitty product. if the pieces collected in a magazine are good, who cares if the editor is anonymous? it’s not malicious in intent.

      but with an anonymous comment–and i’m speaking of the truly venomous stuff that some people spout here–there’s no reason for anonymity other than cowardice. an anonymous comment rarely says anything of value, rarely tries to “put something out there” that contributes to some sense of community. it’s usually just an excuse to be a prick.

  64. davidpeak

      i think i see this the other way around. an anonymous editor can’t hide behind a shitty product. if the pieces collected in a magazine are good, who cares if the editor is anonymous? it’s not malicious in intent.

      but with an anonymous comment–and i’m speaking of the truly venomous stuff that some people spout here–there’s no reason for anonymity other than cowardice. an anonymous comment rarely says anything of value, rarely tries to “put something out there” that contributes to some sense of community. it’s usually just an excuse to be a prick.

  65. "Dan"

      Every one on this websites is assholes and gives Tao Lin handjobs and is “rich middle class kids” and doesnt now shit about good writing if it punched them.111 you guys also are incestuous and publish only your friends’ writing regardless of merit 11111!!11

  66. "Dan"

      Every one on this websites is assholes and gives Tao Lin handjobs and is “rich middle class kids” and doesnt now shit about good writing if it punched them.111 you guys also are incestuous and publish only your friends’ writing regardless of merit 11111!!11

  67. Matt

      I think there might be a problem with this (maybe somebody knows more about this than I do, so I could be wrong) – you can’t be 100% certain that the IP address of an anonymous commenter is for certain a match to the IP of a non-anonymous user. Most of the time, maybe, but if people are posting from the same router in an apartment, for example, those two posters might share an IP, or posting from a computer using AOL as their ISP, or a university, etc. So yeah, it’s often reliable, but not 100%.

  68. Matt

      I think there might be a problem with this (maybe somebody knows more about this than I do, so I could be wrong) – you can’t be 100% certain that the IP address of an anonymous commenter is for certain a match to the IP of a non-anonymous user. Most of the time, maybe, but if people are posting from the same router in an apartment, for example, those two posters might share an IP, or posting from a computer using AOL as their ISP, or a university, etc. So yeah, it’s often reliable, but not 100%.

  69. drew kalbach

      damn you beat me to it

  70. drew kalbach

      damn you beat me to it

  71. jereme

      yeah justin i’m totally made up.

      even when i met you at awp that was made up too.

  72. jereme

      yeah justin i’m totally made up.

      even when i met you at awp that was made up too.

  73. darby

      The way I am thinking of it has to do more with how much a person intends to be taken seriously. It’s not so much an editor being accountable for the quality of work published, that’s all subjective anyway. It’s easy to disregard anon comments here because it’s rarely meant to be taken seriously. I put all comments posted here into a big box labeled anon in my head. It’s all nonsense. It’s anonsense. But I feel like editors are being serious about what they are doing, are expecting to be taken seriously, so if we’re entering a writer-editor relationship and they know my name as writer but I don’t know theirs, it would feel unfair or something. I would have a harder time taking them seriously.

  74. darby

      The way I am thinking of it has to do more with how much a person intends to be taken seriously. It’s not so much an editor being accountable for the quality of work published, that’s all subjective anyway. It’s easy to disregard anon comments here because it’s rarely meant to be taken seriously. I put all comments posted here into a big box labeled anon in my head. It’s all nonsense. It’s anonsense. But I feel like editors are being serious about what they are doing, are expecting to be taken seriously, so if we’re entering a writer-editor relationship and they know my name as writer but I don’t know theirs, it would feel unfair or something. I would have a harder time taking them seriously.

  75. Blake Butler

      a post coming soon about the ridiculousness of complaining about anonymous editors and transparency

  76. Blake Butler

      a post coming soon about the ridiculousness of complaining about anonymous editors and transparency

  77. sean

      I don’t have friends so that is just crazy talk.

  78. sean

      I don’t have friends so that is just crazy talk.

  79. jereme

      anonymous comments are rarely warranted. the post about the predator publishers was a good example of when anonymous comments are valid and needed. otherwise i think they are used for one reason only: passive aggression

      i think two types of people employ passive aggressive behavior: women and young males.

      Women have been using passive aggressive behavior since the beginning of time. this concept is not original or new. they are the masters of emotional manipulation and I don’t really fault them for doing it. it’s part of being a woman. the behavior does frustrate the shit out of me though and i hope one day people will feel unfettered from their insecurities and unafraid to vocalize the actual truth inside their head.

      with the 21st century comes an increasing trend where boys are being raised by households of women and men are not anywhere to be found in their rearing.

      a boy raised by women will adapt to a woman’s perspective. the child will subconsciously learn the passive aggressive behavior which becomes the basis for their social interactions as an adult.

      and then those passive aggressive boys become fans of tao lin.

      the effeminate male. sigh.

      what i’m trying to convey is that anonymous comments are the tool of the timid, insecure and weak-minded.


      truth isn’t really taken well by a lot of people (especially here). a truthful dissenting voice seems to be shit on by the community. at times it feels like people enjoy being fake because it brings a sense of safety.


  80. jereme

      anonymous comments are rarely warranted. the post about the predator publishers was a good example of when anonymous comments are valid and needed. otherwise i think they are used for one reason only: passive aggression

      i think two types of people employ passive aggressive behavior: women and young males.

      Women have been using passive aggressive behavior since the beginning of time. this concept is not original or new. they are the masters of emotional manipulation and I don’t really fault them for doing it. it’s part of being a woman. the behavior does frustrate the shit out of me though and i hope one day people will feel unfettered from their insecurities and unafraid to vocalize the actual truth inside their head.

      with the 21st century comes an increasing trend where boys are being raised by households of women and men are not anywhere to be found in their rearing.

      a boy raised by women will adapt to a woman’s perspective. the child will subconsciously learn the passive aggressive behavior which becomes the basis for their social interactions as an adult.

      and then those passive aggressive boys become fans of tao lin.

      the effeminate male. sigh.

      what i’m trying to convey is that anonymous comments are the tool of the timid, insecure and weak-minded.


      truth isn’t really taken well by a lot of people (especially here). a truthful dissenting voice seems to be shit on by the community. at times it feels like people enjoy being fake because it brings a sense of safety.


  81. Bill

      I like pets.

  82. Bill

      I like pets.

  83. jereme

      why? do you really need a list to confirm who is an immature passive-aggressive bitch?

      i think every one already knows the people capable of acting like a punk ass bitch.

  84. jereme

      why? do you really need a list to confirm who is an immature passive-aggressive bitch?

      i think every one already knows the people capable of acting like a punk ass bitch.

  85. jereme

      oh and i’m excited for the return of mean week. i hope mean weak isn’t all puppies and rainbows though. i hope the truth is actually brought in full.

  86. jereme

      oh and i’m excited for the return of mean week. i hope mean weak isn’t all puppies and rainbows though. i hope the truth is actually brought in full.

  87. Vaughan Simons

      Good point. I don’t know what it’s like in the States, but for me – and most broadband users in the UK – our IP addresses change every couple of days, sometimes more often.

  88. Vaughan Simons

      Good point. I don’t know what it’s like in the States, but for me – and most broadband users in the UK – our IP addresses change every couple of days, sometimes more often.

  89. Morningstar

      Maybe I’m missing something, but who the fuck is Yates?

  90. Morningstar

      Maybe I’m missing something, but who the fuck is Yates?

  91. darby

      isn’t it just as bad though to not comment when you feel strongly about something? i mean, at least the anons are making a comment and keeping discussion going. To just sit and watch discussions and have an opinion but not engage seems just as ‘safe.’

  92. darby

      isn’t it just as bad though to not comment when you feel strongly about something? i mean, at least the anons are making a comment and keeping discussion going. To just sit and watch discussions and have an opinion but not engage seems just as ‘safe.’

  93. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I stand behind my sexual comments.

  94. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I stand behind my sexual comments.

  95. darby

      I disagree. people have the right to not engage. It’s the means by which engagement is handled that we’re talking about, not the choice to, and commenting anon has deceptive intent. Not commenting is just passive intent.

  96. darby

      I disagree. people have the right to not engage. It’s the means by which engagement is handled that we’re talking about, not the choice to, and commenting anon has deceptive intent. Not commenting is just passive intent.

  97. darby

      but isn’t there at least a little truth behind people not commenting when they could actually contribute something meaningful, but don’t because they don’t want to seem antagonistic?

  98. darby

      but isn’t there at least a little truth behind people not commenting when they could actually contribute something meaningful, but don’t because they don’t want to seem antagonistic?

  99. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I enjoy this.

  100. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I enjoy this.

  101. darby

      It’s kind of a broad assumption to make that people are even doing this. Most real debate is futile anyway, you can’t fault people for not wanting to stir pots when they know the soup will never settle.

  102. darby

      It’s kind of a broad assumption to make that people are even doing this. Most real debate is futile anyway, you can’t fault people for not wanting to stir pots when they know the soup will never settle.

  103. reynard

      i definitely don’t think anyone should be censored or outed just because they don’t have any gonads. this is america, after all (did you know the internet is america?)

      when i first started following htmlgiant i just watched from a distance. i felt like the kid who used his doctor’s note so he didn’t have to play kickball because he didn’t think he was very good. then i started commenting as machado de assis and some other dead authors, and then finally as myself.

      although, you know, i’ve never really had a problem calling people out or confronting them, because it’s just the internet and it seems sort of like a game. which is maybe why these people are deciding to go anon.

      btw, how long have one word comments been filtered out? i’ve posted some pithy litl bitches that got slayed.

  104. reynard

      i definitely don’t think anyone should be censored or outed just because they don’t have any gonads. this is america, after all (did you know the internet is america?)

      when i first started following htmlgiant i just watched from a distance. i felt like the kid who used his doctor’s note so he didn’t have to play kickball because he didn’t think he was very good. then i started commenting as machado de assis and some other dead authors, and then finally as myself.

      although, you know, i’ve never really had a problem calling people out or confronting them, because it’s just the internet and it seems sort of like a game. which is maybe why these people are deciding to go anon.

      btw, how long have one word comments been filtered out? i’ve posted some pithy litl bitches that got slayed.

  105. darby

      in which case, commenting anon has no bearing, if debate is rendered futile from the outset.

  106. darby

      in which case, commenting anon has no bearing, if debate is rendered futile from the outset.

  107. darby

      commenting anon has no effect on the course of real debate, on truth getting to the surface. It’s more an integrity thing, standing behind what you say, I think.

  108. darby

      commenting anon has no effect on the course of real debate, on truth getting to the surface. It’s more an integrity thing, standing behind what you say, I think.

  109. darby

      So it depends on if you’re the kind of person who cares more about what’s said or what’s behind what’s said.

  110. darby

      So it depends on if you’re the kind of person who cares more about what’s said or what’s behind what’s said.

  111. darby

      which one are you then?

  112. darby

      which one are you then?

  113. darby

      I think I care more about what’s said than who is saying it in most cases. It might depend on the conversation or its context thought. Which are you?

  114. darby

      I think I care more about what’s said than who is saying it in most cases. It might depend on the conversation or its context thought. Which are you?

  115. darby

      well, all debate is futile, so it doesn’t really matter what anyone says. All that’s left is to care more about who’s saying it.

  116. darby

      well, all debate is futile, so it doesn’t really matter what anyone says. All that’s left is to care more about who’s saying it.

  117. davidpeak
  118. davidpeak
  119. Elisa

      Why does it matter if you “know” or have met these people? When you go to the library you don’t know 99.999999999% of the authors but does that mean all the books might as well be anonymous?

      I don’t “know” Blake Butler but if were always going around being a dick on the internet that might have an effect on whether or not I’d go out of my way to “know” him or his ventures in the future. You know?

  120. Elisa

      Why does it matter if you “know” or have met these people? When you go to the library you don’t know 99.999999999% of the authors but does that mean all the books might as well be anonymous?

      I don’t “know” Blake Butler but if were always going around being a dick on the internet that might have an effect on whether or not I’d go out of my way to “know” him or his ventures in the future. You know?

  121. Lincoln

      The pseudonym and anonymous publication have pretty long literary histories….

  122. Lincoln

      The pseudonym and anonymous publication have pretty long literary histories….

  123. Matt Cozart

      I think the only serious applications of the word “censorship” should be those involving institutions, governments, corporations, stuff like that. To talk about a blog practicing censorship is potatoes of infinite smallness.

  124. Matt Cozart

      I think the only serious applications of the word “censorship” should be those involving institutions, governments, corporations, stuff like that. To talk about a blog practicing censorship is potatoes of infinite smallness.

  125. Ken Baumann

      nailed it.

  126. Ken Baumann

      nailed it.

  127. jereme

      hi elisa,

      i like how you talk but the correlation between author/books and anon/comments is kind of silly and not applicable.

      silly like a man at a baby shower or silly like fake boobs on a fat girl or silly like an asian guy trying to express emotion

  128. mimi

      What is a Tao Lin handjob? Is that when you have a “neutral facial expression” while giving it?

  129. jereme

      hi elisa,

      i like how you talk but the correlation between author/books and anon/comments is kind of silly and not applicable.

      silly like a man at a baby shower or silly like fake boobs on a fat girl or silly like an asian guy trying to express emotion

  130. mimi

      What is a Tao Lin handjob? Is that when you have a “neutral facial expression” while giving it?

  131. darby

      I am separating writers from their ventures. I will go out of my way “know” Blake Butler’s ventures because he usually has awesome ventures regardless of his hypothetical dickiness. I don’t know nor necessarily want to know Blake Butler the actual human if he exists as a human, I don’t think. Or maybe I do, I can’t really know if I do or not, if I did I don’t think it would have to do with his ventures as much as something more concrete that I’m not privy to. Although I do agree with your point of maybe I will want to meet and be friends with all these people in the future at some point, but at the point of being in the most moment, I am more interested in being honest, or atleast egging honesty to the surface, so I’m willing to burn a few potential future bridges. Most people I know and am friends with are engineers anyway cuz that’s the mindframe I tend to relate to. Me being here and commenting and writing fictipoems in this game and editing journals I tend to think of as an aberration, like its not what I’m supposed to be doing but some kind of misfiring is going on. Knowing people as people and friendships is a whole different kind of thinking for me, separate than being interested in people’s sparklies.

  132. darby

      I am separating writers from their ventures. I will go out of my way “know” Blake Butler’s ventures because he usually has awesome ventures regardless of his hypothetical dickiness. I don’t know nor necessarily want to know Blake Butler the actual human if he exists as a human, I don’t think. Or maybe I do, I can’t really know if I do or not, if I did I don’t think it would have to do with his ventures as much as something more concrete that I’m not privy to. Although I do agree with your point of maybe I will want to meet and be friends with all these people in the future at some point, but at the point of being in the most moment, I am more interested in being honest, or atleast egging honesty to the surface, so I’m willing to burn a few potential future bridges. Most people I know and am friends with are engineers anyway cuz that’s the mindframe I tend to relate to. Me being here and commenting and writing fictipoems in this game and editing journals I tend to think of as an aberration, like its not what I’m supposed to be doing but some kind of misfiring is going on. Knowing people as people and friendships is a whole different kind of thinking for me, separate than being interested in people’s sparklies.

  133. Blake Butler

      elisa, i don’t think i know

  134. Blake Butler

      elisa, i don’t think i know

  135. reynard

      i dunno, but i heard a tao lin blowjob is when anyone anywhere drinks a smoothie

  136. reynard

      i dunno, but i heard a tao lin blowjob is when anyone anywhere drinks a smoothie

  137. Nathan Tyree


  138. Nathan Tyree

      just testing one words comments

  139. Nathan Tyree


  140. Nathan Tyree

      just testing one words comments

  141. reynard


  142. reynard


  143. darby

      great. I don’t think I complain about it too much, but i don’t think its ridiculous to. It doesn’t bother me enough to not submit. I think the manner in which anon is presented as enigma is factor in whether it bothers me.

  144. darby

      great. I don’t think I complain about it too much, but i don’t think its ridiculous to. It doesn’t bother me enough to not submit. I think the manner in which anon is presented as enigma is factor in whether it bothers me.

  145. sean

      darby that’s too many comments in a row. Don’t do that please.

  146. anon


  147. sean

      darby that’s too many comments in a row. Don’t do that please.

  148. anon


  149. Clapper

      If there’s one running, nacho-making, flash-writing dude I’d want to sex up, it’s for sure Sean Lovelace.

      Anonymously, or not.

  150. Clapper

      If there’s one running, nacho-making, flash-writing dude I’d want to sex up, it’s for sure Sean Lovelace.

      Anonymously, or not.

  151. gena

      “truth isn’t really taken well by a lot of people (especially here). a truthful dissenting voice seems to be shit on by the community.”

      um, exactly. i’ve seen it, especially with you. they shit on you if your opinion is different from theirs. however when i chime in (often with a similiar opinion as yours), people treat me less harshly. i don’t really understand that…

      anyway. anonymous commenters are stupid. it must feel lovely hiding behind a fake name and being ostracized, then coming back with your real name and being “accepted”. it’s sad how some people can be so disingenuous—not only towards other people, but also towards themselves.

  152. gena

      “truth isn’t really taken well by a lot of people (especially here). a truthful dissenting voice seems to be shit on by the community.”

      um, exactly. i’ve seen it, especially with you. they shit on you if your opinion is different from theirs. however when i chime in (often with a similiar opinion as yours), people treat me less harshly. i don’t really understand that…

      anyway. anonymous commenters are stupid. it must feel lovely hiding behind a fake name and being ostracized, then coming back with your real name and being “accepted”. it’s sad how some people can be so disingenuous—not only towards other people, but also towards themselves.

  153. gena

      hahaha. that’s funny, reynard.

      i have to admit, “dan” does make a little bit of sense. a lot of people on this website are sickly infatuated with tao lin. i mean, do a search for him in the site’s search bar and see how many posts come up. the myriad of results just makes it seem like a lot of people hold tao in a higher regard than other writers, which is kind of unfair.

  154. gena

      hahaha. that’s funny, reynard.

      i have to admit, “dan” does make a little bit of sense. a lot of people on this website are sickly infatuated with tao lin. i mean, do a search for him in the site’s search bar and see how many posts come up. the myriad of results just makes it seem like a lot of people hold tao in a higher regard than other writers, which is kind of unfair.

  155. gena

      good post, blake. i was wondering when someone on here would address this issue. i’m glad it was you.

  156. gena

      good post, blake. i was wondering when someone on here would address this issue. i’m glad it was you.

  157. Edward Champion

      If you don’t have the balls to put your real name to a comment, then you have no business writing or expressing anything. If you don’t have the balls to write something that you would also tell to another person’s fate, then you have no business writing. Of course, we can track down your IP addresses. We KNOW who you are. I have had publicists attempt to corrupt threads by leaving “anonymous” comments. I have had various spin doctors do the same. And in my experience, anonymous commenters are generally those who are at the receiving end of a criticism who lack the cojones and the grace to engage in fair discussion. Witness Lee Siegel’s “sprezzatura” stunt that led to his appropriate firing from the New Republic. The actions of a gutless coward.

      You may very well have an extraordinary opinion. If so, why hide behind a handle? Don’t you want people to know that it came from you? Don’t you want to connect with other people who might change your mind? Why not be straightforward about the viable possibility that your opinion is subject to change? Do you really enter a discussion expecting to have your opinions confirmed? Well, that seems a waste of time. Isn’t it more fun and liberating to have your mind changed? Who are you really protecting with an anonymous comment? I suspect it’s your ego. I suspect it’s your fear of failure or being wrong. People are wrong all the time. I’m wrong about something every day. If we weren’t wrong, how would we learn anything?

  158. Edward Champion

      If you don’t have the balls to put your real name to a comment, then you have no business writing or expressing anything. If you don’t have the balls to write something that you would also tell to another person’s fate, then you have no business writing. Of course, we can track down your IP addresses. We KNOW who you are. I have had publicists attempt to corrupt threads by leaving “anonymous” comments. I have had various spin doctors do the same. And in my experience, anonymous commenters are generally those who are at the receiving end of a criticism who lack the cojones and the grace to engage in fair discussion. Witness Lee Siegel’s “sprezzatura” stunt that led to his appropriate firing from the New Republic. The actions of a gutless coward.

      You may very well have an extraordinary opinion. If so, why hide behind a handle? Don’t you want people to know that it came from you? Don’t you want to connect with other people who might change your mind? Why not be straightforward about the viable possibility that your opinion is subject to change? Do you really enter a discussion expecting to have your opinions confirmed? Well, that seems a waste of time. Isn’t it more fun and liberating to have your mind changed? Who are you really protecting with an anonymous comment? I suspect it’s your ego. I suspect it’s your fear of failure or being wrong. People are wrong all the time. I’m wrong about something every day. If we weren’t wrong, how would we learn anything?

  159. Mather Schneider

      I don’t like anon comments. But I think worse are the people who comment with my name and they aren’t me. This has happened only a couple times but it is unsettling.

  160. Mather Schneider

      I don’t like anon comments. But I think worse are the people who comment with my name and they aren’t me. This has happened only a couple times but it is unsettling.

  161. zachary german


  162. zachary german


  163. anonymadore

      What, we’re not allowed to be less harsh on a whiny tween bitch?

  164. anonymadore

      What, we’re not allowed to be less harsh on a whiny tween bitch?

  165. gena

      what are you, like 3 years older than me?

  166. gena

      what are you, like 3 years older than me?

  167. PHM

      I just never understand where you’re coming from. You think this is a high school cheerleading squad or something. Your defense is always something like “I’m just looking out for one of my friends.” This is an environment of mostly strangers, and where not, mostly acquaintances. If your friend is being a jackass or intentionally dickish, defending him or her not only doesn’t make sense, but speaks to the inability of your friend to speak for himself. How often do you hear my friends come to my defense? I just don’t think any of this matters enough to take it as PERSONALLY as you do. And then your whole “I’m not allowed” thing is a classic example of the passive-aggressive shit Jereme was talking about, as gender-ignorant and chauvinist as that shit was, that it devolves into petty annoying demagoguery every time I think about taking your bait. One time I said to someone that you were annoying me. They were like, “Oh, isn’t she like sixteen or something?” And that made everything make sense.

  168. PHM

      I just never understand where you’re coming from. You think this is a high school cheerleading squad or something. Your defense is always something like “I’m just looking out for one of my friends.” This is an environment of mostly strangers, and where not, mostly acquaintances. If your friend is being a jackass or intentionally dickish, defending him or her not only doesn’t make sense, but speaks to the inability of your friend to speak for himself. How often do you hear my friends come to my defense? I just don’t think any of this matters enough to take it as PERSONALLY as you do. And then your whole “I’m not allowed” thing is a classic example of the passive-aggressive shit Jereme was talking about, as gender-ignorant and chauvinist as that shit was, that it devolves into petty annoying demagoguery every time I think about taking your bait. One time I said to someone that you were annoying me. They were like, “Oh, isn’t she like sixteen or something?” And that made everything make sense.


      stfu you dumb, depressed bitch.

      You’re a deleting douchebag who deletes comments from her dumbass weblog that rub her the wrong way or step up to her petulant bullshit.

      Fuck you, Rebecca Loudon. I hope I never see you on the street because if I do I will.kick.your.primadonna.ass. from wherever we are all the way back to your stupid little radish patch.

      God, I wish I could rip your head off and shit down your neck!


      stfu you dumb, depressed bitch.

      You’re a deleting douchebag who deletes comments from her dumbass weblog that rub her the wrong way or step up to her petulant bullshit.

      Fuck you, Rebecca Loudon. I hope I never see you on the street because if I do I will.kick.your.primadonna.ass. from wherever we are all the way back to your stupid little radish patch.

      God, I wish I could rip your head off and shit down your neck!


      Oh S.T.F.U, davidprick. What value does your comment have any more than anyone else’s, douchetruck? It’s fucking cyberspace so get over your dim-witted self before I break your glasses again. Cowardice, shmowardice and I’ve got your venom right here, you limp-dicked daddy’s girl.


      Oh S.T.F.U, davidprick. What value does your comment have any more than anyone else’s, douchetruck? It’s fucking cyberspace so get over your dim-witted self before I break your glasses again. Cowardice, shmowardice and I’ve got your venom right here, you limp-dicked daddy’s girl.