October 19th, 2008 / 6:00 pm
Contests & Presses

Bateau Press

Bateau Press has just launched a new version of their website, with way more access to info than they’d had before, including contents of their current issue, info chapbooks and current submission and contest guidelines.

They are currently running their 3rd annual chapbook contest, which has electronic submissions, nice:


Winner receives $500 and copies of the winning chapbook.

Manuscripts will be read anonymously by staff of Bateau.

Please, no submissions from students or close friends of the editors.

Age and previous book publication are not considerations for eligibility.

Check out the site for more info, Bateau is really doing something cool. I like the handmade style of Bateau and the book object style they represent, there should be more places like this, even more than there currently are.

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