ToBS R2: literary marriage vs. NaNoWriMo
[Matchup #38 in Tournament of Bookshit]
Central question: Can everyone be a writer?
Slogan: Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!
Duration: One month (but up to 1/12th of a person’s life if they get trapped in some hellish circle of annual NaNoWriMo’s.)
Overall effect on literature: High probability of resulting in shitty novel.
Contains a pronounced pseudo-acronym
Likelihood of sanity loss: High, but momentary
Literary Marriage
Central question: Can anyone stand to live with a writer?
Slogan: Infinite days and nights that you might rather abandon!
Duration: Eternity or until Literary Divorce
Overall effect on literature: High probability of resulting in a novel that makes other people feel like shit.
Does not contain a pronounced pseudo-acronym
Likelihood of sanity loss: Laughably high, but could be somewhat enjoyable, at least from the outside.
– – –
WINNER: I’m siding with Literary Marriage on this one because it’s messier and more interesting and has a higher probability of being a catalyst for the kinds of novels I like (Most stuff by Jean Rhys, Richard Yates & F Scott Fitzgerald, among others.)
participants vs. contestants
winner: spoiled grandchildren
sweet, round 2. I’m liking this ToBS