March 14th, 2012 / 11:09 am
Craft Notes

2 – M i l l i o n – S i t e s – l i n k i n g – t o – y o u r – F a c e

Hello, I’m Norma Chan, Tak-Lam, S.B.S., J.P., Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). I have a publishing business worth 47.1m USD for you to handle with me. I need you to assist me in executing this project from Hong Kong to your county.

After hearing from you I shall provide you with detailed information regarding this business. Now, I can only say: it involves your stories on millions of Korean iPhone screens. It involves micropayment and popular culture that you must learn about to believe. Imagine your wildest dream are just simple math for making reasonable investment overseas.

Can I also say that you can find me very actracive. I video chat you at AWP and we made smoothy in the big hotel. I understand you. You are potential for my country, for all of Hong Kong writers and lovers.

If you must know, I heard about you because of your IM lifestyle, which by now has spread worldwide. We talked for hours about MFA. I have MFA from American midwest. I lived for poetry, like you.

You are like the founder of a new social media in my heart. We are together online. It will be so profitable, you and I in Hong Kong, forever so in love.

Please respond by making a poetry Tumblr and send it to me.

This business is very important to the people of Hong Kong.


Norma Chan

PS I am using Nigerian IP because I am there on business please do not be alarmed we are quite safe in this lifetime, you and I.

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  1. Rauan Klassnik

        sounds legit — i’d like to know more

  2. Anonymous

      bittersweet scam 

  3. Trey

      “Imagine your wildest dream are just simple math”


  4. Trey

      other obvious favorites:

      “If you must know, I heard about you because of your IM lifestyle”

      “You are like the founder of a new social media in my heart”

      “please do not be alarmed we are quite safe in this lifetime, you and I”

  5. Lukas Novak

      I know Norma Chan, s/he(?) is good people.

  6. Chidelia Edochie

      Wow…I love this just a little too much. 

  7. John Doe

      You’re in Nigeria? What a coincidence that I just happen to be a prince and you may be qualified to inherit a large sum of money.