January 27th, 2011 / 11:17 am



  1. Michael Inscoe

      haha ‘and if you smell curry…’

  2. Michael Inscoe

      haha ‘and if you smell curry…’

  3. M. Kitchell

      getting laid at AWP is 1 of 3 goals i have for the weekend LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN THANKS

  4. Laryssa

      What are the other two goals?

  5. deckfight

      who can afford the marriott? not that i’m going, but Motel 6 leaves the light on or something.

  6. Eric

      M. Kitchell you are a pig! I go to AWP to learn, not hammer someone!

  7. Eric

      And shame on you, too, Laryssa, for looking to get laid by M. Kitchell!

  8. Jimmy Chen

      if Laryssa and M. Kitchell ‘do it’ does that make me Enema Woodhouse?

  9. zusya


  10. M. Kitchell

      get wasted with blake, hang out with ariana reines

  11. M. Kitchell

      get wasted with blake, hang out with ariana reines

  12. M. Kitchell

      unless laryssa’s name is deceptive and “she” has a penis, shit ain’t happening y’all

  13. M. Kitchell

      unless laryssa’s name is deceptive and “she” has a penis, shit ain’t happening y’all

  14. Amber

      LOL that they “may try to speak Spanish to you.”

  15. Jimmy Chen

      i was aware of your orientation, but did not want to ‘implicate’ [completely neutral term] it in this public thread, out of respect.

  16. M. Kitchell

      damn i mention being a fag in like every other post i make jimmy, you ain’t payin’ attention

  17. Jimmy Chen

      a ctrl+f for “gay” on your author page yields only 3 results, and 1 of them is Roxane’s last name :(

  18. M. Kitchell

      hrm, i guess i only explicitly have announced it in three posts, but it’s pretty present in others i feel. i’m prone to calling myself fag or queer more than gay tho.


  19. shaun gannon

      my goal is to bang jhumpa lahiri so this whole post/comments section is sort of blowing my mind

  20. Anonymous

      hahaha! so mean, so true.

  21. Anonymous

      hahaha! so mean, so true.

  22. jaessbaum

      This is my favoritest thing today.