October 28th, 2010 / 1:57 pm
Craft Notes & Mean

Writers’ keys explained


  1. deadgod

      That “Backspace” saved civilization a grim pun.

      JESUS: Consummatum et tu.

  2. Marian May Kaufman

      This just made my day! Some people hate me for laughing out loud in the library though so thanks.

  3. deadgod

      That “Backspace” saved civilization a grim pun.

      JESUS: Consummatum et tu.

  4. mark leidner

      they should rename the spacebar forwardspace

  5. zusya

      i’m gonna go ahead and just say that this didn’t make any sense to me. “liked” anyway for use of the word “ensconced”.

  6. P. H. Madore

      hey wanna fuck


  7. thomas

      yes, they def. should

  8. DeLani

      This is probably the best thing I’ve seen all week, to be Anne Frank.