March 20th, 2012 / 12:10 pm

B*tches in Bookshops

-Performed by La Shea Delaney (@lashea_delaney) & Annabelle Quezada (@annabelleqv)
-Director/Producer/Songwriter – Annabelle Quezada


  1. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I forgave them The Fountainhead business after the Foucalt and Proust and Barthes parts.

  2. Lukas Novak

      I actually appreciated how they dropped Fountainhead down to 3 stars from 4 stars. Charitable but subtle: 3 1/2. 

  3. Brooks Sterritt

      If anyone deserves charity it’s Ayn Rand.

  4. Craig Ronald Marchinkoski

      no amount of proust could cleanup the fountainhead business

  5. Michael Filippone

      lol @ 3:39

  6. lorian long

      lol the last book i bought from the strand was barthes’s camera lucida. said ‘yeah’ aloud when they ended on savage detectivesssssssss

  7. leapsloth14

      I appreciate the eyeglasses

  8. Anonymous
  9. herocious

      The trash cans outside of Strand Books do make me think about marriage

  10. reynard

      the jernigan bit at the end did it for me