December 15th, 2009 / 9:24 pm
Power Quote

Power Quote: Precritical Compulsion


— Ovskum, an Italian singer and guitarist, was quoted in one of the symposium’s lectures as saying, “my music does not come from a philosophy but from a precritical compulsion” —

If you can say that without irony, I’m pretty sure you win.

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  1. I. Fontana

      I’m going to steal that from him. Why not? It’s true. My writing does not come from a philosophy but from a precritical compulsion. I said it, I meant it, it’s true. In fact it was true before I knew it. Before I said it, even.

  2. I. Fontana

      I’m going to steal that from him. Why not? It’s true. My writing does not come from a philosophy but from a precritical compulsion. I said it, I meant it, it’s true. In fact it was true before I knew it. Before I said it, even.

  3. Jonny Ross

      that’s funny. and a redundancy. all compulsions are ‘precritical.’

  4. Jonny Ross

      that’s funny. and a redundancy. all compulsions are ‘precritical.’