February 1st, 2011 / 5:10 am

crazy kollywood (?) terminator thing on writing


  1. richard

      sweet. i think Andrew is now my favorite html giant contributor.

      it’s like watching Kobe Bryant’s first or second year or something.

      maybe Sam Pink or Chelsea Martin is Michael Jordan.

      Justin Taylor is Ron Artest.

      Blake Butler is the guy that can make a hundred free throws at half time with a secret life at home.

  2. richard

      M. Kitchell is Space Jam.

  3. zusya
  4. zusya

      jimmy chen = steve nash?

  5. phmadore

      It’s your chance do your dance

  6. richard

      I think Jimmy Chen is Bill Murray in Space Jam.

  7. zusya
  8. Anonymous
  9. stephen
