November 3rd, 2008 / 9:25 pm

daniel bailey’s EAST CENTRAL INDIANA is a caulk-gun-i.v. full of morphine

a few weeks ago daniel bailey posted that if anyone wanted to see his new collection of poetry EAST CENTRAL INDIANA they should email him. i emailed him.  he emailed me.  i read the collection and i am being honest, it is the best book of poems i have ever read.  nobody does anything like daniel bailey, and i mean, i’ve probably read close to five books of poetry.  colin bassett published it on bearcreekfeed.  after noticing that colin bassett published it, i felt close to him, like when you are out with someone and you find out that you both like pink lemonade better than regular lemonade for some reason, and it makes communicating easy for a few seconds.  this post is weak.  please go read EAST CENTRAL INDIANA.  also, i wrote THE DANIEL BAILEY CATECHISM on my blog to celebrate this great publication.  i hope that one day the book is in print so i can read it over and over and give it to people.  reading it made me feel less inhuman, which is the only way i qualify books now.  on a sidenote, i felt really excited about buying these “garden herb” triscuits but now after eating a few, and choking on the little slivers that always fucking catch on your uvula, i regret buying them.  unlike “garden herb” triscuits, EAST CENTRAL INDIANA will not piss you off.

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  1. daniel bailey

      triscuits are way too dry.

  2. daniel bailey

      triscuits are way too dry.

  3. sma pink

      OMG!!!! the internet’s daniel bailey!!!!

  4. sma pink

      OMG!!!! the internet’s daniel bailey!!!!

  5. jereme

      chik n biscuit trumps triscuits

      i am excited to read daniel bailey’s ‘shit’. i will not get bored when I read it, i think. usually i get bored when I read and wander dream about viking pussy, vegas victory and running naked in the portland rain.

  6. jereme

      chik n biscuit trumps triscuits

      i am excited to read daniel bailey’s ‘shit’. i will not get bored when I read it, i think. usually i get bored when I read and wander dream about viking pussy, vegas victory and running naked in the portland rain.