May 19th, 2010 / 2:28 pm

Interesting numbers

1. 23

2. 15375

3. 1729

4. 12

5. 48.4 and 1.776 million



  1. mimi

      I like the last four digits of my cell phone number because they can be expressed:
      [(x+1) squared] followed by [(x squared) +1]

  2. mimi

      I like the last four digits of my cell phone number because they can be expressed:
      [(x+1) squared] followed by [(x squared) +1]

  3. Interesting alternatives – Conferences, Events & Exhibitions

      […] HTMLGIANT / Interesting numbers […]

  4. Jhon Baker

      43 continues to pop up everywhere for me. Whenever I see it on a product I am driven to buy it and it amazes me how much I end up spending.

  5. Jhon Baker

      43 continues to pop up everywhere for me. Whenever I see it on a product I am driven to buy it and it amazes me how much I end up spending.