April 24th, 2009 / 11:50 am



Let’s take a moment away from literature for this sentence from The Guardian:

Astronomers searching for the building blocks of life in a giant dust cloud at the heart of the Milky Way have concluded that it tastes vaguely of raspberries.

And without even trying, the universe has defeated almost all poetry.

(Turned on to this link by Charles Mudede at The Stranger.)

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  1. Jimmy Chen

      real life is better then the onion.
      awesome find.

  2. Jimmy Chen

      real life is better then the onion.
      awesome find.

  3. Jimmy Chen

      *better than

  4. Jimmy Chen

      *better than

  5. Molly Gaudry

      Incredible! Love this.

  6. Molly Gaudry

      Incredible! Love this.

  7. Ryan Call

      space raspberies.

  8. Ryan Call

      space raspberies.

  9. Matthew Simmons

      Indeed. This news will sustain me for the rest of the day. And possibly most of Saturday.

  10. Matthew Simmons

      Indeed. This news will sustain me for the rest of the day. And possibly most of Saturday.

  11. Amelia

      “It does happen to give raspberries their flavour, but there are many other molecules that are needed to make space raspberries,” Arnaud Belloche, an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, told the Guardian.

      (“Why yes,” he added, when pressed. “I do miss Douglas Adams.”)

  12. Amelia

      “It does happen to give raspberries their flavour, but there are many other molecules that are needed to make space raspberries,” Arnaud Belloche, an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, told the Guardian.

      (“Why yes,” he added, when pressed. “I do miss Douglas Adams.”)

  13. KKP
  14. KKP
  15. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      My heart tastes vaguely of raspberries

  16. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      My heart tastes vaguely of raspberries

  17. pr

      “the universe’ is my favorite tim and eric episode.

      “If you put the universe into a tube…”

  18. imnotteo

      Nature > art, always.

  19. imnotteo

      Nature > art, always.