December 28th, 2010 / 12:21 pm


  1. arnie


  2. Vladmir

      very useful

  3. Flavorwire » What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds In Our Office

      […] to be a sword. We took a rather depressing trip to infomercial hell. We got a quick tutorial on publishing industry gang signs, including the one for “omniscient third-person.” We watched Rihanna get flashed on a […]

  4. mark leidner

      lol esp. @ the last one

  5. Matthew Simmons

      Off to do some literary stacking.

  6. Tom


  7. Ethan

      I’ve often wondered what the omniscient third-person gang sign was. Thanks, Jimmy!

  8. kb
  9. deadgod

      [Unless candidness has put in an unanticipatable appearance in “Publishing”, surely you mean Girth.]

  10. Carl the Truth

      only two people will read this book – nicely played